Straight from the...

toilet. That's right, I'm in the process of laying a chocolate monkey in my porceline throne. That's all.

5 Remarks:

red_herring said...

Dot. Dot. Dot.

Remind me never to borrow your phone.

Sam said...

A lot of things end up in the bathroom with me. Often food.. Is that weird that I eat while I poop?

red_herring said...

Yeah, a little bit, honestly. I usually avoid anything other than reading and excrement of bodily effluvium while in the bathroom.

Ender2010 said...

yeah food is a little ridiculus thats how you get really fat your body never has anytime to digest fat if your just stuffing your gullet on the can lol

Sam said...

lol.. I just try to make the most of my time :p