
This movie looks simply amazing. In addition to my natural affinity for classic stop-motion animation and the wonderful aesthetic surrounding the world, I love the main character's design. While she's obviously still young, she doesn't seem like a helpless little girl or anything, but rather like an offbeat yet capable teenager. People often complain about the lack of strong female characters in fiction, and I totally agree, but I think that goes for appearance as well as simply gender. Even if a woman is portrayed in a less submissive light, she often looks very classically beautiful, with all the soft, inviting physical characteristics that scream "WEAK" to the animal mind.

Coraline, on the other hand, is skinny in a wiry way, with muted colors surrounding her, be it in her hair, clothing or surroundings. Combined with the mischievous smile, proud high-held head and arms seemingly constantly akimbo, she projects a very confident air indeed, and manages to get away without any of the "man with boobs" look. I get the feeling the artists involved just sort of get it. Now all that's left is to see if the movie is as incredible as it looks in trailers, still shots and concept art. Either way, I know I'm gonna totally geek out when related toys and figurines come out.

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