Chat with during programming

Dude this was in my arechive....classic

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Sam Ganim" <>
Date: Feb 6, 2008 8:02 PM
Subject: Chat with Sam Ganim
To: <>

7:50 PM Sam: lol
 me: i was really bummed out when she wasent in physics
 Sam: lol, is she hot? ive only known her sister
7:51 PM me: i think shes cute way better looking than her sis'
 Sam: good, cause we used to call her "ugly-bitch"
7:52 PM me: i know we called her that in like 3rd grade
 Sam: lol
7:53 PM me: so is he gonna give us a complier, or do we need to get one on our own?
7:54 PM Sam: well he didnt give us one for java, so he tried to point us to one on the net (yeah right, it was a text editor) but then in the last 3 weeks i found out that there was one on the computer
  but seeing that he is using microsoft visual studio, we may have it
7:55 PM me: so can we get that for home, is it free
 Sam: is anything from microsoft free? but we don't need it, we can get something better
7:56 PM me: ok and its all the same, like are we gonna be able to program here if we learn on something elese
 Sam: of course, the language is the same everywhere and they all compile the same, its just easier to use one that is a gui rather than one that is a text
7:57 PM next week, we are getting sparks
7:58 PM makes the class MUCH better
 me: ctrl shift n
 Sam: sparks
 me: gunnis
7:59 PM Sam: guinness smells
  sparks doesnt
 me: sparks tastes like ass
  i hate engery drinks
  balieys and coffee
8:00 PM Sam: agreed
  or a tropical aura with cap morgan
 me: agreeed
 Sam: next week we are getting FUCKED in class then
8:01 PM me: i dont want to get bellergient
 Sam: awww.. come on.... it could be fun
8:02 PM me: i can so save it to something that is not c:\
 Sam: his flash drive wouldnt work on our computers O.o
 me: so were making a game about guessing numbers
8:03 PM Sam: yep, like talking to a 4 year old
 me: you dont give 4 yearolds enough credit
 Sam: i still dont know how old kids are supposed to be when they walk and talk
8:04 PM me: i think like 2
  brendan just had his son, robyn asked how it is he said "big, he gained 9 oz in 3 days"
 Sam: i gain 9oz in 2 hours lol
8:05 PM 9-shots
 me: lollerskates
 Sam: lolcat
  you can has it

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