New Layout

As you all can tell I was a jerk and redid the layout, (I got tired of all the pink), any objections? If so fix it yourself were all moderators lol. With that said I thought that this theme was more tasteful, I hope its to everyone's liking.

6 Remarks:

red_herring said...

I like it. It's not kitty pron anymore, so the pink has little place. Maybe downsize that banner image a little, though. it takes up a whole vertical screen on my lappy.

Ender2010 said...

I did not find a quick way to resize the image, your welcome to it, but i failed. ;(

red_herring said...

I've got the original saved if you want to up the size a bit yourself.

Ender2010 said...

Looks great what did you use to resize the image?

red_herring said...

Irfanview. It's a good all-purpose program for everything with images except organizing them. Really light-weight and snappy, and very customizable.

Sam said...

Wow... so apparently my phone doesn't get emails anymore.. or something weird happened to the connection.. I like the new layout.. I got tired of doing things, so I'm glad someone else took the reigns.. good job everyone, I think this little endeavor of ours is coming together. Now if we can only increase the traffic and have a cult following.. I need some minions.