
I actually got high for the first time a few nights ago! While that was happening, I managed to record some of the ideas I came up with. Here they are, presented in full for your enjoyment:


Waterfall technique for creating ice cubes in the ice tray. As opposed to the common fill each cube technique, the waterfall allows each to fill in turn, spilling eventually into the sink. The waterfall is the more time and water efficient of the two techniques, and is therefore superior, in spite of possible inequalities between cubes caused by the water's motion. Scholarly paper.

Tw nations warring, using reverse psychology. Each reverses quicker and quicker, and the codes are figured out, until the computerized descendents of the nations' populace are reversing their psychology at nanosecond per reverse levels.

A little man rests on your head while you go side to side like a pendulum, as you may tend to while high. He pulls levers that make you go left and right, and hates his job though he must do it for some reason. Possible financial difficulties?

When you leave two friends alone who are a couple, you have to scream "Hey, you doin' it? " out in an annoying way every once in a while.

I understand why scooby-doo is funny now!

I can feel the juices in my stomach sloshing about in the empty space in my stomach. There is very little free space, like a bottle with just enough space inside to slosh the liquid.

A game with stoners where the stoners get high and the non=smokers would kick ottomans at their feet like pachinko. kick the whole jannisary corps under the stoners' feet! <-- motto/slogan said in commercial for game, simliar to those ubiquitous ones like Mr. Bucket where the kids are playing it as an announcer explains it. The box would depict people on either side of the central channel kicking ottomans at the stoners, only to have the ottomans turn into Ottoman Turks, who hurtle with deadly purpose toward their target: Stoners' Legs.

Deon Sanders, maker of the Deon Sanders Hotdog Express, eats so many of the free hotdogs he gets from that infomercial that he dessicates like the pope, who they leave out rather than burying. The catholics think it's a miracle, and because the hotdog part gets left in the past, he becomes Saint Deon of BiefWean'r. (Beef Wiener), always wielding his Staff of Meaty Goodness on the back of his mighty, morbidly obese mount.

The veins on my hand are standing up a great deal.

"Have fun with your experience" should be the universal polite way of saying goodbye to a person as you leave them while they are in some way inebriated/incapacitated. This idea came from John, because he said it when he left moments ago, leaving me high.

Book idea: High Experiences, the mad ramblings of Jacob Negron while getting high for the first time! Then it says like "turn to page 8 to see shocking revelations" where they see this. Meta as HELL!

I was afraid just now to correct a mistake in the past paragraph, worried I would lose the memory of the original thought before I was able to complete the correction. Even just now, it took me a minute to remember what I was going to write, having forgotten by the time I got to the end of the sentence. If this isn't clear, sorry.

I can feel memories leaving my mind in a very exact way. It's like they disappear around the corner of my brain. I picture it as I'm dropping a word off a bridge, and it floats initially, but gradually fills with water and sinks, its ripples expanding until they're so small as to be unnoticeable.

I checked the time at midnight exactly. I should have set this up with timestamps, but unfortunately my high mind could think of that, while my sober one did not. My sober mind could do it, but this wasn't really a planned event. I only really thought of documenting my findings after it had started.

I've acted like a terrible fool tonight.

My tongue is a little numb, so it feels weird rubbing on the roof of my mouth. I picture the scene as through my head, which is a glass bottom boat, the glass being the transparent roof of my mouth.. The tongue is this huge marine life, squirming about slapping against the boat's bottom as tourists exclaim.

That feeling of being a little bit behind in your motions that happened when I got drunk and deocumented? It's even more severe during highdom. I realize I shouldn't have used the second person there, but whatever.

Whenever someone talks about having had a bad experience with drugs or something, or that their experience is different from theirs, I picture the experience as being TERRIBLE, with little black fuzzy monsters streching from the background to bite at ankles or whatever. Scooby-doo style terrible animation, I can see it in my mind now.

I need to plug my hard drives in.
I hope I didn't make too much noise doing that just now.

I spoke about the pendulum thing. I can feel that coming along right now. I picture it as a blue hologram projected off of either shoulder, the interior being striped, bold edges determining where that ends and the "stop" area, shaded with a krenellated or lacy pattern, begin. "Being" and "begin," I think that's an anagram, isn't it? Yup.

On Youtube there was scooby doo videos labelled as "The Scooby Doo." Like "The Green Lantern!"

A while ago I was dismayed to find it was difficult to get up, like four times as much as usual. I would swing out with vigor, but it petered out way before the floor. I realize you could measure how much extra percieved extra energy it took by measuring the angle and cauculating from that.

5 Remarks:

Sam said...

I wonder if I'll ever finish reading it...

Ender2010 said...

Dude you need a vid cam so bad

red_herring said...

Yeah, I know... I have a webcam hooked up to my desktop, but it's been in NorCal all this time. When I get all my shit down, I'll finally be able to take part in the awesome video extravaganza.

EarlessDog said...

You guys have no idea how enjoyable it was to watch Jake having this experience...!
You missed OUT!

Sam said...

*cough* still live in pedro *cough*
