
Jake you probablly don't need me to comment on this but I have to get it off my chest everyone is constantally saying hella and its driving me crazy. He hella did that. That class was hella hard. I'm hella hungry. It grates on the eardrums. Your from nor cal why don't you say it? I just saw a bag I hella heart oakland. Hecka is almost as bad.

4 Remarks:

red_herring said...

HAHAHAHAHA AHAHAHAH HAHAA!!! Hella! Oh Jesus, I do not miss that. I don't say it because I realized from a young age that it sounds fucking retarded! Yeah, everyone in norcal says that, and it's like a damn plague! Don't let it get into your head, or you're likely to start doing it yourself. Like, you have to put a rubber band around your wrist and snap it every time you start to say it.

Sam said...

*cough* like *cough*.. we do it too.

red_herring said...

The like isn't nearly as widespread or as annoying as the hella.

Ender2010 said...

They also say like like every two seconds "So like that class was like hella boring, I hope I have like a hella good time tonight!"