Fake Brands Mall



This is just about the best thing ever.

3 Remarks:

Sam said...

1. What in god's name are you doing up at 5:45am?
2. The link is from www.mirror.co.uk
3. You made tinyurl cry

"The whole idea of this mall is plain dishonest." If that was the idea, wouldn't they just call themselves "Starbucks" and those pants would be "A&F" pants. I think the idea is that they decided, "Fuck it, everyone knows our shit is fake, lets just be up front with it." I think this is the opposite of dishonest, I think it's downright noble. Congratulations China, I forgive you for Sars.

red_herring said...

1. I needed to be up early because of a work thing
2. what of the location of the link? Are you some kind of mirror.co.uk bigot?
3. It was 5:45 am, cut me some slack!

As for the substance of your reply, I totally agree! I love those bootlegs that are really obvious, and make no effort at all to deceive you.

Sam said...

1. Thats what I thought
2. It's just that mirror.co.uk sounds like a website that hosts mirrors, thats all
3. I'll only cut you slack because the link wasn't broken. The Tinyurl Gods are watching.