Baaaaaaad move, Palm...

Ok, me and Jake had briefly talked about the new Pre that Palm is coming out with. My grievances are the smashed together keyboard; Jake's is the sliding up to unveil the keyboard. Well I found something else. Sprint. This brings me to another point. Each of the four main cell phone providers have gotten exclusives: Cingular - iPhone, T-Mobile - G1, Verizon - Storm, and now Sprint - Pre. Does anyone know why they are doing this?

7 Remarks:

Ender2010 said...

the reason they do this is because they are assholes, and each want to have one killer app. just like how Mario games will only be on Nintendo. sprint threw a lot of money at palm, until the said fine well make this exclusive. All it does however is screw over the customers.

Sam said...

And it screws them over.. who in the hell is going to drop the iPhone and Cingular to move over to Sprint and their "newness".. I understand that Palm has directed their attention to the business market, but Nokia also has a huge portion of it.. I guess the Pre is Sprint's plan to stay afloat. And it's not like they are doing anything innovative.. they are taking a full touch screen like the iPhone, and adding a slide out keyboard like the G1, but you know neither is going to work as well, the keyboard already looks cramped. And the Storm's clickable screen? I mean come on, MacBook trackpad ripoff and who the hell wants MORE movable parts in a phone? What happened Palm, you used to be so cool..

red_herring said...

Yeah, I think that cell phone exclusivity is a huge mistake, but I do understand the reasoning behind it. If a phone is exclusive to a single carrier, that carrier will be more likely to subsidize it, as is the case with the G1. More subsidy from the carrier means more sales, and more profit to the manufacturer. However, as feature sets start to converge and Android or other open phone operating systems start to spread, I imagine it's going to matter less and less. Eventually they'll just say screw it, we'll make everything available on every carrier, as there's little difference between the G4 and the Palm Pre3.

Then again, with Verizon's chokehold on the 700mhz spectrum, that's not gonna make a single lick of difference.

Sam said...

Damn 700MHz spectrum... It happened kinda candidly, so I keep forgetting about it..

red_herring said...

...don't think candidly is the right word for this situation...

Sam said...

Okay, "they didna make a huge a fuss as normal."

red_herring said...
