
So Pandora (yes the music website, not the old greek stiff) just made my list of software companies that have shafted me. The Blackberry has a Pandora app, but the G1 does not. For shame. Especially after that asshole told me:

"As for your question about the Android - Each version of Pandora software for a portable device needs to be separately developed and approved by the various cellular carriers. We are steadily working to bring Pandora to more devices and carriers."

3 Remarks:

red_herring said...

Sam has already refuted this point when I called him at this inappropriate hour, but I thought I should voice it to the peanut gallery. I think that Pandora has inherited the record labels' misunderstanding of "open" as "stolen." Despite the strides Linux has made in the past few years, there's still that general attitude with people not in the know, especially those whose pocketbooks are threatened by the digital revolution.

Ender2010 said...

oh quit bitching about them sam. whatever, I want pandora for the g1 just as bad as you do, but just like flash support, it will take time. the blackberry has been around forever, the g1 has been out for less than a year. once we get flash support then you can use pandora anyway. so really you shoule be mad a adobe.

red_herring said...

Oh yeah, that's true. I thought that he meant Pre when he said Blackberry, but that's Palm, isn't it? Yeah, BlackBerry's OS has been around for quite a while, maybe it's taken years for them to work on it, and they're only just finishing up with their tiny little coder staff. I wonder how long it took them to get the Iphone's app up and running. Perhaps the reason is that companies send them support to complement their anemic dedicated app staff, and Google hasn't, for obvious reasons.