If I was studying astrophysics at UCI, I would be a junior in the fall instead of a sophomore. I would only need 6 more physics, 2 more math, and 3 more upper div astro classes, wtf. At UCSC I need 13 more physics, 1 more math, and 2 more upper div astro classes. Why is the curriculum so much more intense at UCSC? No wonder Ken is going to be done a year before me!

2 Remarks:

kheckeroth said...

that's probably just that department.

at USC I'd be done 1 semester faster than at UCI, with like 3 less classes.

EarlessDog said...

I say it's poor planning. If I can hang, I'm about to pull off 12 physics classes, 7 Astronomy classes, 1 math, and at least three semesters of independent study in six quarters.
BTW, orientation was yesterday. UGH! It was AWFUL and I'm exhausted!!! But I have my classes and can relax a little.