Japanese PBS...



This is what they show on Japanese PBS. Apparently it's a CHEMISTRY-BASED action/adventure anime developed to teach kids about the elements and their interactions. Not really my thing, as it has no robots (I don't think...), and goodness knows how much chemistry will really filter through the inevitable coming of age story (which the Japanese just LOVE, though at least it's targeted at children here), but still. PBS should take a hint, and use some of that national endowment for the arts money to develop something interesting to the post-sesame street, pre-high school set. I mean, Look at Math Blasters! I freaking LOVED that game!

Wait a second...

Shia Le Bouf...

The reason he's all over the place is that directors are trying to imitate the Japanese! My God, it's so simple! Something like 90% of the animes that are popular here have the afore-mentioned coming of age story. Dragon Ball, Naruto, etc etc, essentially household names both with children and immature adults. Spielberg thought that by shoehorning in Shia becoming a man into freaking everything (Indiana Jones? Come on, man...) that they would gain instant, subliminal popularity. And it worked! Despite critical panning, international box office numbers for Indy 4, Transformers, and Die Hard broke records! My God...

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