Video help

Which of you darling computer nerds wants to help me edit some video to put on YouTube? Brenda thinks it will help "Brunopalooza" if there is video of him being awesome. I have some, but it's disjointed & long.I think it's an .avi file.
I've never edited video before and doubt I even have software to do it.

10 Remarks:

red_herring said...

I could recommend some software, but sadly editing video is kind of a tedious task. Don't know if I'd be up to it, myself.

EarlessDog said...

Is there a Blogger app for BlackBerry?
Posting this sucked ass....

red_herring said...

Wait, Brenda Parra? I haven't seen her in simply ages!

red_herring said...

You can do it through Gmail, I think. You should ask Sam, he knows about that mobile productivity stuff.

EarlessDog said...

Just realized that the end of my post should say "I DON'T even have software to do it. Posting from my BB isn't fun.
And, yes, Brenda P. She's helping me plan it. We had a very productive planning lunch yesterday. YAY!

red_herring said...

Ok, so upon research, I've found the general consensus to be that Sony Vegas and Final Cut Pro are the best. I don't think Final Cut is available anywhere but on the mac, though Ben does have a shiny new Macbook Pro...

I didn't know this, but apparently there's actually a video editing tool included with Windows, as well. Look around for Windows Movie Maker on your hard drive, maybe it'll be sufficient for your purposes. If not, I'd be happy to download you a pirated copy or Sony Vegas or a similarly capable application. As for the actual editing though, that is definitely not one of my skills.

EarlessDog said...

Thanks, JAKE!

red_herring said...

Any particular reason I'm in all caps?

EarlessDog said...

Because you deserve it.

I don't have Windows Movie Maker; I think I uninstalled it thinking, "I'll never need that...."

red_herring said...

Heh, ok, well I'll download you a copy of something else, then.