M2010 Prerelease

Ok heres the deal, the M10 Prerelease is on Saturday the 11th at 2pm. Were going to Comic Cult in Torrance. Google it (I would hyperlink, but im at work and its considered "games"). It costs $30, the manager doesn't run it so he could not tell me too much about it. They have a judge and he runs it, last time when I went to the Alara Reborn prerelease, it was draft. It should be a lot of fun.

3 Remarks:

red_herring said...

Wait, so if I am to understand you correctly, the prerelease is Saturday, in draft form, of M2010. We're not drafting on Friday? I only ask because my brother wants to come, and he kind of needs to know, being a kid and all.

Ender2010 said...

I don't think I will be drafting on friday, there is a draft on friday at comic cult, 3rd planet is constructed. the M10 draft is $30 on Sat.

kheckeroth said...

viv thought the magic thing was next week, she cannot go this Saturday. But will go to sundays thing