I'mma Goin' to Japan

As you all well know, I am indeed going to Japan. I figured it'd be most efficient to as officially what you all want me to bring back in here, as you can just make a comment, and I won't have to remember it.

Don't be embarassed if you want some kind of perverted porn/sex object.

5 Remarks:

EarlessDog said...

Gosh, I wouldn't even KNOW what...!
Something very Japan...
A sumo wrestler...?

red_herring said...

...You'll have to pay for shipping on that.

kheckeroth said...

I have a request, I'll tell you in person =)

EarlessDog said...

It's something dirty...!

Sukisukimama said...

hmmm... what request might that be Mr. Heckeroth???