The past 36 hours or so...

have been crazy. Alright let's start yesterday. After taking Tiffany to her friends house, I decide to walk to work. I have like 10-15min before my shift starts, but I'm like, "Fuck it, I'll just tell them my car broke." So I walk to work and felt pretty good. It was only .8 miles but uphill, so I'm pretty proud of myself. I wasn't too tired, but I was sweaty when I walked in because of the change in temperature (Ben knows what I'm talking about, remember chemistry over the summer?)

So I got in late and told everyone that my car broke down. So I worked my shift and inquired about my schedule for this week. My boss asked me if I wanted to work some 4am shifts. I hesitated until he told me that I'd have Sunday (today/yesterday) off. So I agreed to Mon-Wed of 4am-8am instead of Tue-Thr; I'm always in favor of just doing things to get through them. I take my lunch and Mr. Heckeroth gives me a call. He wants to know if me and Jake want to come over and play Magic with him and Ara. So I agree not knowing my fate. So I get off at 8pm and walk home.

I get there around 8:30p and pack for the night and head over to Jake's house. Around 9p or so we start heading out to Irvine. We get to Irvine and stop off at Albertsons for some booze, and del tizzle for some eats. Believe it or not, we spend almost 30min trying to find parking. It was horrible. It seemed that everyone and their mothers were visiting Irvine. We ended up parking all the way where Ken and Ara used to live and traipsed back to their current location. Carrying gear and booze mind you. So we get there and meet a new person: Vivian. She was pretty cool, adjusting very quickly to the increase of personnel, eccentric at that. So we all (five of us) play Magic until around 2-2:30a when Vivian had to go home. Jake and I walk her to her car and go back to more Magic. We wind up going to sleep around 4:30ish.

I wake up at 11:30a to threats of ass-ramming by Jake (or was it the prospect of Dim Sum? Can't remember). I get dressed, drink some coffee and we all go to Dim Sum. It was Legen... wait for it... keep waiting... don't get blue balls... DARY!!! Seriously, it was delicious. I can imagine it being a great hangover food. Afterward, we go to the market next door and Ara picks up some Lotus root and various other food stuffs. We head back home, but not before stopping off at the local comic/magic shop to pick up some cards. More fucking moths for Ken and some booster packs.

We get home at around 1:30p or so and start a marathon of Magic. Seriously, 9 hours later we realize we are hungry and break for Ara's DELICIOUS cooking. We eat, a lot. And play some more Magic. By the end of it Jake is begging us to finish the game. Poor guy.. Honestly, I'm pretty burned out of Magic for now. I think Ken put it perfectly when he said, "I feel like I've been grinding on Everquest for 16 hours." Exactly.

So here I am, it's 1:34am. I'm waiting for the clock to hit 3:30a so I can head out, grab something to eat and work for 4 hours, then take Tiffany to work, and pass the fuck out for 8 hours.

2 Remarks:

Ender2010 said...

hahaha, you guys have stamina.

Sukisukimama said...

LOL, what a bunch of wild freaks... who would do such a thing.