Good morning everybody!

So today is the day I, Samuel Langert Ganim, do my civic duty at the courthouse. Please be advised that if I should be called and selected to represent the great state of california, los angeles county, I will be out of contact between the hours of the trial. I will be in no way answering questions pretaining to the case or any information thereof. Thank you for respecting my duties and I hope you all enjoy the freedom of justice that holds the very fabric of our country together.

HA! What bullshit. In my opinion, we should devise a way of completely automating the process using complex algorithms (algorythms?) that decide, beyond any shadow of a doubt that a person is guilty. It is unfair that my fate is to be decided by the retarded public and not my computer.


5 Remarks:

red_herring said...

Knowing what it does about your proclivities, I think your computer would be more likely to convict than anyone.

Sam said...

That's fair, but honestly, I'd trust my computer's decision. After all, without me, it would have no sentience.

red_herring said...

Well at any rate, I wish you nothing but good luck in cheating the sacred practice of voir dire.

kheckeroth said...

hehe Langert hehe

EarlessDog said...

Yeah, Langert...!?