Maria Ozawa

Have you guys heard of her? She is just unbelievably attractive, I swear! Interesting, because as you guys know I'm not usually one to obsess about digitized women. She's a mixture of French Canadian and Japanese, and seems to have gotten the best of both sides. And she's a porn star, to boot! A JAPANESE porn star! So yeah, it's tough to find pictures of her that AREN'T naked, and I feel weird just telling people I'm aware of her, recent though that awareness may be.

My concern is with becoming a shut-in porno dude, one who salivates over women he will never, ever have rather than associating with real people in a healthy way. Brooke, you're the only female voice here, what do you think? It kind of ties in with the Omar issue, as well, in that regard. It's as though I can feel myself changing into Mr. Hyde, but nothing short of cutting off my internet supply, working out seven days a week and getting a lot of polo shirts with popped collars will stop it!

Then again, perhaps I'm overthinking matters. Most guys hang posters of women in their rooms, unabashed. Guess that just wasn't how I was brought up...

5 Remarks:

Your mama's pajamas said...

Actually, I have heard of her. She is very popular. :)

kheckeroth said...

eh, Doesn't look crazy stunning to me( just that pic )

EarlessDog said...

My 2 cents: Finding women attractive and enjoying porn is normal and healthy. But, yes, you can get a little too into the pictures and videos and lose touch with real women. I've seen it happen with more than one guy-friend. Even attractive guys that might get laid if they weren't obsessed with characters, idealizations and unreal expectations. Most of them actually started getting laid when they laid off the porn for a while and actually went out into public. Watching tons of porn (which the internet makes REALLY easy to do) can warp your sense of what to expect from real situations. My advice, enjoy it, but make sure you keep things in perspective.

Sukisukimama said...

What if you get laid and watch porn at the same time? Does that cancel out everything?

Ender2010 said...

Not everybody can be ken sukisukimama!!