
Ambian, what a wonderful drug. For those who do not know about Ambien, it is a sleeping drug. It can knock you out better than a heavy weight champion boxer boxing with a 90 pound Asian girl. Apparently, one of its side effects is temporary amnesia. Move out ruffie a new prescription date rape drug is available in the market. OK, so may be it is not as efficient but man I heard some people can perform the best uninhibited sex they have ever had without knowing it. What I am trying to get at is that I am one of the 5% of the population, who takes this drug, that gets the side effect of amnesia. Sorry math boy if I don't fall in the best uninhibited sex part of the side effect.
One night when I was under the influence and I was told that I got on my knees and tried to karate chop ninja boy(KH). You will understand ninja boy later on. Anyway, I was practically beating him up with my iron chops. The second night I took ambian ninja boy was asking me extremely funny questions that no sane person will agree to like would you let me do you in the ear... and I would happily and willingly say yes. He then proceeded to recorded me while I answered very incriminating questions. Afterwards he forwarded it to my voicemail. I was puzzled when I checked my phone in the morning and listed to the message. I did not remember ever talking to him about any of the stuff I heard. In addition, I actually texted him a couple of coherent sentences with out knowing or remembering ever doing so. That is just unbelievable... there is so many things you have to do to text someone.
Anyway, pay back is a bitch. Last night KH decided to take ambian. I was in the living room just browsing the Internet... he began to question me about what would I want to be if I were to become a thing... I was thinking in my head like WTF is he talking about. Then I told him I choose to be a tampon so I can be inside someones vagina all the time (don't ask!). As he wobbled around back and forth he mumbles... 14 blades of grass. He began to explain...and I quote, "the 14 blades of grass are like tranquilizers, I will storm in a dorm with a bunch of Asian girls and shoot them out like a machine gun (makes machine gun noises and slaps the leather couch). Then, I will (makes thrusting motion) have sex with them while playing a porno. The porn serves as a sound effect and I will do all the action. That is the 14 blades of grass (long pause)." Without another word, he walks away silently and disappears in the darkness (well he went in the kitchen and the light was turned off). The next day I asked him about this whole ninja shit and he did not remember a single thing.

Thus, he is now called ninja boy from the 14 blades of grass clan and I am the karate girl.

Please watch this... It is the funniest thing ever... this guy is on ambian singing a song.

Excuse my gramatical errors. I suck at writing.

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