Wireless keyboards

Do they make wireless keyboards without the mouse? Preferably logitech, but cheap is a factor. I want it for my 360. Suggestions?


3 Remarks:

red_herring said...

Logitech makes cheap-ass KB/mouse sets. I'd just not use the mouse, or not plug in the mouse side of the dongle. Most individual wireless keyboards I've seen lately are specialized, with a trackball in them. The EX100 cordless desktop retails for $30 though, so I'd definitely go with that one, if you don't mind the lack of a rechargeable mouse battery.

Sam said...

I can't justify spending extra money for hardware I'm not using. Although the keyboard/mouse combo you mentioned is pretty decent, we have a display at work. The only problem is that I think the keys are tapered at the top a little.. just a smidgen less surface area than I'm used to.

red_herring said...

Maybe use a KVM, then? I don't know the logistics involved with the Xbox and such a switch, but if it's all plug and play that would likely be the best alternative.