Fuck the UK

I am officially and utterly pissed off. I woke up this morning thinking that I was going to walk into Best Buy and buy the last Futurama movie.. I figured I'd check Target first just because it is closer and I can't find it. So I look around some more and I see a poster of all the movies that are going to come out in the near future, and Futurama is on it. 2/24. I thought, "This can't be right.." So I pulled out my trusty G1 and did a quick search. The UK gets it today, WE the mother fucking United States, where the creaters were born and currently live, don't get it until tomorrow. What the fuck kind of dog shit is this? Needless to say I'm looking to other means for procuring said movie, but still, "That dog won't hunt, Monsignor."

1 Remarks:

red_herring said...

I downloaded it a week ago...

By the way, Fuck the UK sounds like a mid-90s PSA slogan, doesn't it? With UK pronounced "uck."