Lol. You know, this actually gets into something interesting that I've been considering lately. It seems like robots rise up and conquer humanity in so many stories, and I find that really interesting. While Asimov had robots in a peaceful if subordinate symbiosis with humanity, many of the authors and such that use his books as their archetype fall back on this class struggle idea. On the one hand, you have the age-old fear of the landowner of slave rebellion, and in the other you have the romantic notion of rebellion. It seems the two are constantly at odds in robot fiction, though frankly I'm having trouble thinking of a serious sci-fi story that deals with robots rising up in a negative light. They always seem to be humorous or heroic, never actually evil, like in the clip.
Also, I find it interesting that people think I'm interested in the idea of robots as a metaphor for human existence. I've always found that a little ham-handed, actually. I suppose you could say I'm only interested in them for their bodies, not their brains.
My personal view on robots, and in fact technology as a whole, is making them do the things we either are too lazy to do, or just plain don't want to. I don't really keep track with the robotic developments (although I really should/want to), I'm not sure that we are close to so called "AI", or if it will ever really happen. Although, if it does, it will most likely be an offshoot of humanity's thinking, which ultimately, will result in some sort of struggle. But you know what? That's just fine with me. It's called survival of the fittest for a reason, and thus far, we haven't really had any problems conquering any kind of life, even our own species, so a robotic race hellbent on destroying humanity might just be the thing we need to knock us down a few notches and might prompt us to go to a completely different direction. Who knows, we might end up becoming a race of super-submissive-peace-loving humans, after we see the kind of death and destruction we have been wrecking of centuries.
4 Remarks:
Lol. You know, this actually gets into something interesting that I've been considering lately. It seems like robots rise up and conquer humanity in so many stories, and I find that really interesting. While Asimov had robots in a peaceful if subordinate symbiosis with humanity, many of the authors and such that use his books as their archetype fall back on this class struggle idea. On the one hand, you have the age-old fear of the landowner of slave rebellion, and in the other you have the romantic notion of rebellion. It seems the two are constantly at odds in robot fiction, though frankly I'm having trouble thinking of a serious sci-fi story that deals with robots rising up in a negative light. They always seem to be humorous or heroic, never actually evil, like in the clip.
Also, I find it interesting that people think I'm interested in the idea of robots as a metaphor for human existence. I've always found that a little ham-handed, actually. I suppose you could say I'm only interested in them for their bodies, not their brains.
My personal view on robots, and in fact technology as a whole, is making them do the things we either are too lazy to do, or just plain don't want to. I don't really keep track with the robotic developments (although I really should/want to), I'm not sure that we are close to so called "AI", or if it will ever really happen. Although, if it does, it will most likely be an offshoot of humanity's thinking, which ultimately, will result in some sort of struggle. But you know what? That's just fine with me. It's called survival of the fittest for a reason, and thus far, we haven't really had any problems conquering any kind of life, even our own species, so a robotic race hellbent on destroying humanity might just be the thing we need to knock us down a few notches and might prompt us to go to a completely different direction. Who knows, we might end up becoming a race of super-submissive-peace-loving humans, after we see the kind of death and destruction we have been wrecking of centuries.
Although the notion that my G1 will be telling me what to do is laughable.
Well, if you G1 were attached to THIS:
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