Red, I remember you complaining about wanting to write a few weeks back. Do it I'm taking a writing class, and its so hard to get back into the proper groove. Do it!! Do it Now!
Does this mean lefties will soon appear in the endangered list?
Over 2500 left handed people a year are killed from using products made for right handed people!
I think they just stab themselves from the frustration of using right handed scissors.
Rosetta Stone
Ok so I downloaded the Rosetta Stone and the Japanese Language Kits, and I realized what it's all about. It throws vocab at you so you can get the gist of what's going on, instead of teaching you the grammer and other aspects of the language. It has no english translation and is difficult to understand which word means what. It seems good as a supplement but not as a primary source.
But He'd Really Prefer a Red Velvet Cupcake [Caption This]
I was really excited for a second, until I read the caption. :(
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Android's Cupcake has arrived at the Google campus—sadly not the software update, yet. [crazybob via Phandroid]
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Ugobe files for bankruptcy, Pleo facing extinction
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Painful bonus: Link your pics of the Pleo going extinct on our comment form here and we'll make a gallery. C'mon. You know you want to do it.
[Thanks, Andrew]
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Ugobe files for bankruptcy, Pleo facing extinction originally appeared on Engadget on Mon, 20 Apr 2009 21:33:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.
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Delectable treats
I was looking for ideas on what to cook next time Sam and Jake visit us. I think this is the perfect dish.
Stephen Hawking Rushed to Hospital, is "Very Ill" [Breaking]
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Renowned physicist and generally accepted smartest guy in the world Stephen Hawking has been rushed to the hospital in Cambridge in poor condition. Hawking, who is 67, is almost completely paralyzed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. We're all hoping that he recovers quickly and can get back to his research and work. Our thoughts are with you, Stephen. [Reuters]
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Eye-Licking Porn?!
An unrelated picture got me wondering whether eye-licking porn existed.
In short:
So yeah. It exists, and it has a name: Oculingus. What. The. Fuck.
I just saw a YouTube video of Oprah talking to Ashton Autcher about Twitter and how he got 1 million followers. She was talking to him as if he was the one who invented Twitter, or that he is the only one that is doing anything productive with it (read: malaria no more), and it got me thinking: are we at risk of losing good technology in favor of something more mainstream and pretty? Let's look at the iPhone. It had been almost 2 years and two iterations before they got cut and paste, and why? Because Apple didn't want it so. Their apps have to go through an acceptance process, and no private developers can distribute anything by themselves. Let's say I wanted to make an app that really only applied to our group. Lets pretend Jake has an iphone. Even if I can code for the iPhone, there is no way I could make it so that just he has it. And maybe it wants to use some features blocked by apple.. And it goes beyond that, with twitter and facebook. I mean they are by no means the elite sites of the internet, but I just feel like they are foreshadowing.
Newegg shipping rip off
I need a new keyboard. Mine is dirty, loud, and old. It still works, but I just feel dirty whenever I use it. We recently got a new keyboard by logitech at work, and I've played around with it and it feels nice, and is kinda quiet. Well very quiet compared to my old one. So it's like 14 bucks at work. Not wanting to give office depot money, I decided to see how much newegg had it. $10.99. Great! I was all set to buy it when I saw that the total was $22 and some change.. I thought there must be something wrong.. no way the shipping is another $10. So I emptied my cart, and put it on again, and lo and behold, $10 shipping. Go ahead, try it. 90732 for your zip and see. - Logitech Classic Black 104 Normal Keys USB Standard Keyboard 200 - Keyboards
We Didn't Start the Flame War - CollegeHumor Video
This video is awesome! Everyone watch it, right now!
We Didn't Start the Flame War - CollegeHumor Video
New Magic Set to Come
I just heard about a new set that's going to come out. It's going to be called "Shadows of Alara's Memory" It looks really bad ass.
Big Punchline Theory
On Big Bang Theory, Howard is trying to convince the guys to go to a bar:
Howard: In crunching the numbers, I get a conservative 5812 potential sex partners within a 40 mile radius.
Leonard: You're joking.
Howard: I'm a horny engineer Leonard; I never joke about math or sex.
Deuce Bigalow here I come...
Today, after spending all day at the neurology clinic getting my brain waves probed in the sleep center, I was diagnosed with Narcolepsy. I feel vindicated somehow. Ever since I was 15 years old (when my symptoms started) my friends and family use to tease me about being lazy and unmotivated. I was constantly telling them that I feel groggy and tired all the time. I really could not help it. Anyway, there were many times that I would fall asleep during the parties when Ken would take me. That is why most of the time I try not to go with him when the parties last to long or else I would seem like a party pooper. I even use to sleep at work or else I would just crash and burn. I am just happy to say that I am not really a lazy and unmotivated... I am just SLEEPY! :P
301st Post
I just want to make it known that Ben just posted the 300th post of our blog. Good job everyone who authored, commented, and read it. We couldn't have done it without you!
So I don't know if you guys heard, but NO PHONE OR INTERNETS YESTERDAY. I did not realize how big a problem this would be, I had to buy everything with cash, I had some great ideas I could not blog, I needed a map of China, and could not get one. It sucked, some really cleaver person (read asshole) cut 4 fiber optic cables all over San Jose, and maintenance crews had to work for hours to fix it. I would have found it kind of funny, but it happened to me and I can assure you it was not funny.
Beg to differ...
Has anyone really BEGGED to differ? I mean, I've never begged anyone to see that I have a different opinion. I feel that the opinion stands for itself. You like chocolate, I like vanilla. Do I really have to beg to differ, in order to actually differ? I will close this post with a short list of words that have a completely different meaning depending on their context:
1. Wound - "I have a deep wound on my leg."
"Make sure he wound that spool tight before you put it away."
2. Wind- "The wind is picking up the closer we get to the ocean."
"I had to wind the cord around that pillar."
3. Bank- "I went to the bank to deposit my money."
"Don't get too close to the muddy bank, or else you'll fall in and break your leg so you can't swim and there's no way in hell I'm climbing in after you, bitch."
So I notice there are a lot more posts here the last couple days...
And it figures that everyone would be inclined to post when I start revealing/going into all this weird, sexual stuff. Oh, and just when Ben's friend started following us! Yay! So I'm going to meet this person, and it's going to be like "Hey, I'm Jake." "Oh yeah, you're that PERVERT ASSHOLE CHAUVINIST BITCH-ASS! Nice to meet you! Ya fucker!" Still, glad you guys are so inclined, as there is no such thing as too much Brooke, Ara, Ken and etcetera. Yay!
So I've been visiting SLo for the past couple days, and it is freaking awesome here. Seriously, the people are nice, there's this awesome small town vibe, the campus has like fifty engineering buildings filled to the brim with awesome stuff (and only half a building for liberal arts in its entirety, which I found amusing). So yeah, I think I'm gonna sign up now. Wut WUT!
Fuck yea.
Sorry to keep posting my homework.
But this is the type of applied math that I seriously LOVE.
I really hate the abstract shit like my group thry class.... well, I don't hate, but I don't appreciate =o.
Check it out
Although, it is a ton of homework.
Ambian, what a wonderful drug. For those who do not know about Ambien, it is a sleeping drug. It can knock you out better than a heavy weight champion boxer boxing with a 90 pound Asian girl. Apparently, one of its side effects is temporary amnesia. Move out ruffie a new prescription date rape drug is available in the market. OK, so may be it is not as efficient but man I heard some people can perform the best uninhibited sex they have ever had without knowing it. What I am trying to get at is that I am one of the 5% of the population, who takes this drug, that gets the side effect of amnesia. Sorry math boy if I don't fall in the best uninhibited sex part of the side effect.
One night when I was under the influence and I was told that I got on my knees and tried to karate chop ninja boy(KH). You will understand ninja boy later on. Anyway, I was practically beating him up with my iron chops. The second night I took ambian ninja boy was asking me extremely funny questions that no sane person will agree to like would you let me do you in the ear... and I would happily and willingly say yes. He then proceeded to recorded me while I answered very incriminating questions. Afterwards he forwarded it to my voicemail. I was puzzled when I checked my phone in the morning and listed to the message. I did not remember ever talking to him about any of the stuff I heard. In addition, I actually texted him a couple of coherent sentences with out knowing or remembering ever doing so. That is just unbelievable... there is so many things you have to do to text someone.
Anyway, pay back is a bitch. Last night KH decided to take ambian. I was in the living room just browsing the Internet... he began to question me about what would I want to be if I were to become a thing... I was thinking in my head like WTF is he talking about. Then I told him I choose to be a tampon so I can be inside someones vagina all the time (don't ask!). As he wobbled around back and forth he mumbles... 14 blades of grass. He began to explain...and I quote, "the 14 blades of grass are like tranquilizers, I will storm in a dorm with a bunch of Asian girls and shoot them out like a machine gun (makes machine gun noises and slaps the leather couch). Then, I will (makes thrusting motion) have sex with them while playing a porno. The porn serves as a sound effect and I will do all the action. That is the 14 blades of grass (long pause)." Without another word, he walks away silently and disappears in the darkness (well he went in the kitchen and the light was turned off). The next day I asked him about this whole ninja shit and he did not remember a single thing.
Thus, he is now called ninja boy from the 14 blades of grass clan and I am the karate girl.
Please watch this... It is the funniest thing ever... this guy is on ambian singing a song.
Excuse my gramatical errors. I suck at writing.
Ah... car day
So today I decided to take a break from studying and do some much needed maintenance on my car.
It starts off with getting my rear tires changed and rotated. When they took off the tires, I saw my life flash before me. A huge chunk of tire was ripped off both tires and a lot of steel belt was hanging out. I guess I've been dodging bullets everytime I got into the car and especially on the freeway.
So that's done. I went to autozone to get myself some oil, oil filter, and air filter. I had to get 5qts of oil to qualify for their special. My car needs at max, 4qts, so ill have some left over for an emergency. I was planning on washing my car later, but that might have to wait.
I've also started thinking about painting my car in pieces after washing it. Setting up a tarp over the piece to paint and tape it up. I'm just wondering if it will match in the end, because of the time elapsed between painting. Anywho, that's what I've been up to today.
I just realized that I identify with T-Rex from the dinasaur comics a little more than I should..
There is something that is happening that I've never given much credence. I keep reading about it, but for some reason, it just passes me by. That is until I saw this article. Is the iPhone really a contender in the handheld market? It doesn't have any kind of tactile feedback, and I'm sure the graphics are pretty limited. Still, I keep hearing it being discussed with the likes of the PSP and DSi.. and now, "New PSP to take on iPhone..." I mean really? Is there something that I'm missing?
Even Australia has better internet then us! Australia!!
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Ozzie prime minister Kevin Rudd has announced what will be one of the biggest government-sanctioned nationwide broadband initiatives in history: an A$43 billion plan to bring a fat 100mbps fiber pipe to 90% of Australians.
The plan, which costs $30.5 billion of our U.S. dollars, will rely on a massive infusion of government funds to get the ball rolling on the project, of which the taxpayers will own 51%. It will then be transitioned into a reliance on public sector investment, and the government plans to sell of its stake in the project within five years. It is expected to bring 37,000 jobs to unemployment-hindered Australia,
The one detail not yet decided obviously is pricing—set the price too low, and private telecom companies are pissed; too high, and no one will adopt it. But 90% fiber coverage for a country like Australia is an ambitious play (the other 10% will be served through an upgraded 10mbps satellite service). [NYTimes]
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Judicious Deletion
I've been cleaning out some of the cobwebs from my hard drives, and it's kind of interesting the little stories you make up when doing things like that. I imagine myself as sort of a judge, a faceless arbiter of right and wrong. Alternatively, I see a committee empaneled around a sort of marble pit with a hologram projector in the middle. They're dressed in robes oddly resembling the thing Sam was wearing earlier, and argue heatedly about whether or not it's a candidate for deletion. One will rise up in opposition of the deletion, arguing it's a treasured memory, another will stand and shout that it's easily replaceable and kind of lame anyway.
Rosewill 8-Bay RAID Storage System -
Rosewill 8-Bay RAID Storage System -
I don't know, that is a VERY VERY attractive price. Jesus Christ...
Maria Ozawa
Have you guys heard of her? She is just unbelievably attractive, I swear! Interesting, because as you guys know I'm not usually one to obsess about digitized women. She's a mixture of French Canadian and Japanese, and seems to have gotten the best of both sides. And she's a porn star, to boot! A JAPANESE porn star! So yeah, it's tough to find pictures of her that AREN'T naked, and I feel weird just telling people I'm aware of her, recent though that awareness may be.
My concern is with becoming a shut-in porno dude, one who salivates over women he will never, ever have rather than associating with real people in a healthy way. Brooke, you're the only female voice here, what do you think? It kind of ties in with the Omar issue, as well, in that regard. It's as though I can feel myself changing into Mr. Hyde, but nothing short of cutting off my internet supply, working out seven days a week and getting a lot of polo shirts with popped collars will stop it!
Then again, perhaps I'm overthinking matters. Most guys hang posters of women in their rooms, unabashed. Guess that just wasn't how I was brought up...
I Think Omar's Rubbing Off On Me
Seriously, since I've been hanging out with Omar, I've been talking (and thinking) about sex a LOT more. Like, not necessarily in a really lascivious way, but just seeing the sex joke inherent in every conversation, word or object. Like just now, in my title, I thought "huhuhu, rubbing off..." as in masturbation! A disturbing development, to be sure...
Hawaii Mark 2
Ok, I'll give you guys that moving to Hawaii permanently would be ridiculous. However, if I don't get that internship in Japan, I think it would make an excellent vacation destination for a month or so. Round trips to and from Honolulu are only about $600, so perhaps based on that I can get together a budget. Alternatively, Vegas, maybe? I've been there twice but of course never able to participate in any of the debauchery. I could use some debauchery, honestly.
My current time waster
OMGPOP - the place for multiplayer games.
Come on in, join in the fun. Good old fun.
80s Hair
Thinking about the difference in opinion regarding hair we currently have with the 80s, I wonder what fashions and such from our time will be considered ridiculous and laughable. Personally, I vote for the "Whale Tail," the unique phenomenon wherein women seem unable to find pants that fully conceal their thongs. Also, maybe the Twilight-Style anorexic dudes. One can only hope on that count.
Thinking About Saying Fuck It, Going to Hawaii, and Never Coming Back
I think the title says it all. I'm gonna go to hawaii, work at some dead-end job, surf and swim every day and just fuck the god damn fucking world. I would miss you guys, but honestly I wouldn't really miss the rest of the world right now. My family? Pshaw! Half of them hate me a little, the other half is estranged because I'm too uncomfortable around the ones who hate me. School? I think I'd like doing jack shit all day a lot better. And who says they don't have community colleges in Hawaii, if I ever wanted to go back to it? It would start as like a vacation, sun and sand and beautiful beaches, then when my money ran out I'd get a job. You know, or sleep on the streets and beg for change.
What do you guys know about moving out of state? I mean, I've lived in California for my entire adult life, short though that may be. is it difficult to get your driver's license transferred or something? Do you have to take another test, or is it just a straight-up like one for one trade sort of thing?
I started out about an hour ago on this, but it's seeming more and more attractive. Worst case, I come back here in a couple months disgraced and having to take another year at Harbor. There are much worse things than that. Maybe I'll do it this summer? Or maybe I'll do it now. Just fuck everything. FUCK IT ALL. I'm currently weeping, isn't that stupid? God damn it, I hate the way I can't handle rejection at all. Any stupid setback and I'm practically catatonic.
I find the transience of human emotion and sentiment a heart-rending thing. Case in point, my little cousin. She's four... I've spoken about her before, I'm sure, and I haven't seen her in about three months. Apparently she asked about me at first, but now she doesn't. Isn't that a thing? I'm going to throw up. Not to be melodramatic, but seriously. She doesn't even remember me.
I'm really, really going to leave and just never return. Like, that's not even a "AND THEN YOU'LL MISS ME" kind of thing, even. I'm just saying, I'm miserable right now. My parents are stupid and full of bullshit and I'm probably going to be worked like a god damn dog at any school I go to anyway. Then, I'll have a dead-end job where I'm worked like a dog again, until I die. God I get depressed easily. Ugh.
Currently Shitting a Bitch
So, I'm getting kicked out of my house. Fucking fuck FUCK! At any rate, apparently something was dissaranged in one of dumb landlady's closets, and she knew we were looking in there at the wiring. I didn't think that would be such a huge deal, but whatever. Such fucking bullshit. I swear, it's not like I fucking killed her dog or anything, fuck!
Jesus Christ, I mean, I could understand if I looted her drawers or like rooted through anything, but God, I just wanted to see where the damn wiring was! Am I insane in thinking that this is kind of an overreaction? God damn it, seriously. Fuck. I guess I can see her point, but jesus. UGH.
Well it took me an hour and a half to settle on this layout.. for the time being.. I downloaded and tried a bunch of different ones.. there was this one that worked great, but it was in spanish.. there was a copyright at the bottom that I couldn't get rid of.. well anyway, if you guys have any problems or suggestions, just let me know.
Upper Div math = no joke
Small taste, although I do have awsome professors.
Click this to see my homework
And my mathematical modeling class? I don't even know how to begin.
Vladimir Nabokov
I kind of think it's a shame the way authors are often characterized solely by their most influential or controversial novel. Seriously, how many times have you heard of George Orwell except in direct relation to "1984?" I mean, no doubt it's incredibly good, and a major fixture of 1900s fiction, but by no means constitutes the full scope of his writing. How many people do you know who've really read Burmese Days or Down and Out in Paris and London?
I bring up Vladimir Nabokov because I just finished Pale Fire, one of his English works, which is a great book, but also very representative of his mastery of meta-fiction. No other work of his than Lolita would get any response out of a high school student, or indeed most college students, and it would likely be either a half-hearted "huhuhu pedo" or at most an automatic assumption that HE was a pedophile, and all his works involve pedophilia. Just because it's the most controversial and talked-about of his novels, it doesn't automatically make it the best, nor representative of his body of work.
At the risk of tying this post in with my ongoing diatribe about schools and the inadequacy thereof, I think it's terrible especially that young readers are exposed to only a tiny portion of the literary spectrum, in that not only is it stunting to their development as people, but contributes to the widely-held snobbery that I find so prevalent in high school and beyond. Having read only the "heart-rending masterpieces of modern literature," I see two negative paths that the student might take:
First, the emo side, where any work of literature not involving sadness, lameness and overly flowery prose is condemned as not serious enough for the printed word. These are the teachers' pets, the students we all know and hate who have a question for everything and look at you like a mental deficient when you mention having read the latest schlocky sci-fi space marine piece. The simple fact is that to these people reading isn't fun, and they mask it by only reading tiny amounts, but of things that can be endlessly expounded upon, making them seem well-read overall.
Second is the type that thinks of reading as a chore which has to be got out of the way. Combined with overteaching, common in the modern classroom, this can be especially toxic, considering how few children are taught to love reading early on. Indeed, when you read The Great Gatsby with more of an eye towards the potential metaphor involved in the coloring of Gatsby's car, how can you not form a hatred of reading as a whole? Then when they DON'T like it, that's taken as a disinterest in reading as a whole, when most likely a simple genre change would be most beneficial.
The root of it is that, as currently taught, reading at school is not enjoyable, and society's attitude towards literature is mostly to blame. It's sort of a self-perpetuating, chicken/egg debate between incompetent classroom techniques and societal pressure to mature childrens' taste in books prematurely. As it stands, I read Vladimir Nabokov, and I read about space marines, and I read detective novels. Yeah, I read a lot, but certainly a more varied literary diet should be encouraged! And certainly, people should read to their kids a LOT more, and not just classic kids' books, and not just when they're really small. To my mind, kids should be read to, and it should be a regular fmaily activity, into the teenage years. It makes me sad to think of all the media that people aren't consuming, that they would potentially enjoy immensely, because it's contained in little black characters on paper, and they associate that with work, school, persecution and disapproval. GAH it makes me so angry! Really though, things should be different.
Also, Leo Tolstoy is stupid. There, I said it. Long and boring doesn't make you an excellent writer, it just means you have more stamina.
Seedbox Redux
So I ordered a seedbox for a month earlier tonight. Only about $35, and I have some extra money in the bank at the moment, so I figured what the hell, right? I've been using it about an hour, in between working. If you guys want to get a feel for what it is and what it can do, you should email me, and I'll tell you how to get on and everything.
Basically all it consists of is an easy, (And I do stress EASY) web interface, and an FTP server to download completed files. Zero setup, very little hassle, and a complete, perfect end-run around university and other torrenting restrictions. In addition, it allows files to be accessed anywhere with an internet connection, boosts your ratio on a private tracker, and basically gives you unlimited bandwidth to play around with. Anywho, let me know.