New Laptop..

I know there is a period where you can buy a computer with Vista and they will ship you Windows 7 free of cost.. I remember it happening when XP switched to Vista.. My idea is that I get a computer with Vista, see if I like it, then try 7, see if I like that better, and if not, revert back to Vista.. I'm pretty sure I'm gonna hate Vista from what I've heard. I've also heard that 7 is leaps and bounds better. Any thoughts?

4 Remarks:

Ender2010 said...

You know you can "have" any OS you want at any time right?

Sam said...

True. But if I'm spending upwards of $2000 (The Lenovo X301 is probably going to run me that much after I add all the stuff I want in it) Then I want to run a legit copy of windows. And also, if I have the money, I'll buy the product. If I don't (like presently), I'll look to other means of procuring it. There is no way I'm running vista on my current desktop, or even 7, regardless of how great it is.

And in all actuality, I'm probably not going to use OS X ever.. The only real reason I've been using it is because it is a nice UI for Linux, and now that Ubuntu is getting mass appeal, I might drop OS X altogether.. well maybe not alltogether, but at least not as a main UI. Between Linux and Windows, I can use every program on the face of the earth.. One of the other reasons that I liked OS X was because it was something new and foreign. Now it's getting to be pretty commonplace, and I've always tended to stay away from fads. Or at least tried to.

Also I thought about it, and I want to get my money's worth. And I just don't think that Apple gives that 110% that they used to. Have you seen the new Shuffle? It's laughable. It has one button and you have to click it a few different ways to get what you want... Why in the hell did they stray away from the last model? It was small (really small), and had the 5 buttons you needed, play/pause, vol+, vol-, next, previous. This new one is just ridiculous with its proprietary earphones. Jake, I agree with you now; I would rather have a device that is very simple to use, even if it lacks features. If it doesn't do the thing it was meant to, then who cares if it can do anything else.

Ender2010 said...

I disagree with the "apple bashing" Ive been using OSX: whatever, for a while now and Ive got to say the new features are really good, after that whole apple works fiasco, im really loving pages, numbers and keynote. The more i use the apple software, the more i like it, i even switched from firefox 3 to safari 4. That being said I see no reason why you cant try vista on your pc sam. our pcs are very comparable, an ive been running vista all quarter. I really like it. Its a bit of a resource hog, but im not compiling giant programs or anything. If I were you, I'd start running umbuntu, try it out for a bit, and maybe run it on your new laptop. But 2000$ (by the way why is it $2000 and not 2000$, its read two thousand dollars. Analogous to 50 m/s you dont say m/s 50 that is weird.) back on topic, you can get a great laptop to run for 3-4 years for less than 1500$ easily. think about how different the computing landscape will be in 2012 you'll want a new one then. end communication.

Sam said...

I agree with much of what you are saying, but you haven't seen this computer. It's as thin, if not thinner, than the air and has a removable DVD drive. I mean the only reason I didn't want a DVD drive was because I didn't need it, but if I can take it out and put a battery instead of it? Done deal. Plus the keyboard is really nice, and I'm planning on keeping this thing for a while. I mean honestly, I don't do any kind of gaming on my laptop, nor will I. I've never used any of Apple's software, cause I don't have need of it. If the time comes that I want to try it, then I will then, but for the time being, all the software I need is available to me in either Windows or Linux form.

Don't get me wrong, Apple does a great job with a lot of their stuff. I mean I literally washed my 1st Gen Shuffle, and the damn thing still works. My laptop is great except for the fact that the battery died. I have no qualms over their software either. The problem is that I was a fanboy in disguise, and now that I've seen something that is sexy and not Apple, I was excited. I've sheltered myself from anything that wasn't Apple because of how great my Powerbook was (and still is).

Obviously I'm not buying a laptop now. But when I am ready to buy, I will weigh all the options independent of manufacturer. I want a good all around computer that is durable (from a hardware and software aspect) and has great battery life. Weight is also a factor that I will definitely take into account. Fortunately, which was what I was trying to say in my previous comment, and indeed this post, is that software is no longer a deciding factor for hardware. Apple has decided that people will choose their hardware for its traits and not just because you can't get Photo Booth anywhere else.