You Know You're in Bizarro World When...

A girl doesn't want to go out with you because you're not into anime ENOUGH. Seriously, not even joking. Ben, it was the anime club girl you thought was cute in spite of her hairy legs (a flaw which I noticed she's since corrected). Like, we've been talking a bit on the phone and such, and she was completely not interested even in going out to a movie! Interesting, don't you think? The reason she gave was that our interests and such are too different, which is true, considering her art major. Perhaps the blank look when I went off about memristors and microcontrollers was a sign...

5 Remarks:

Ender2010 said...

Lol that sux, im coining a new definition: Nerdy - Into anime, and video games, but bad at math, and science. Geeky - Into anime video games robots ect. but takes the time they spent learning math and science and applies it to a real life task aka work. Shes a nerd, your a geek, your just too diffrent.

red_herring said...

Heh, a heartening definition. Still, if we were sticking to the classical definitions even a little bit, wouldn't the two be reversed? I.E. nerds are the ones with math and science jobs, and geeks are the ones without. Then again, perhaps better to shake things up.

Sam said...

Yeah... I'm gonna have to go ahead and... disagree with you there, Ben... lol! Total Lumberg moment.. anyway, at least how I've seen it (and how it made me feel better ;D) Both nerds and geeks have social ineptitudes; Nerds are all-around intelligent in academic areas: science, math, english, and such, but also enjoy technology, video games, and such. A geek has much of the same qualities, but aren't well versed in as many areas; they tend to stick to what they know e.g. an anime geek knows a lot about anime but very little about much of anything else, and will always try to bring it up in conversations, even if they have nothing to do with anime. The geeks are classicly dressed in "coke-bottle" glasses and all-around disheveled look; whereas nerds are well dressed (too well dressed, button down shirt, tucked in, and so on) and have good hygiene.

The only problem with these descriptions/definitions is that they are labels, and we all know that it's very hard to find people that fit the label. I believe that in this day and age, there are a lot more nerds and geeks roaming around that it's hard to differentiate between the two. I personally classify myself (and by extension, both of you) as social nerds. We are intelligent, well-versed, and all around smart. We don't carry the social ineptitudes of our counter-parts and can often act as intermediary between the geeks/nerds and the rest of society. You can imagine that we are the kinds of guys that write the instruction manual for various things. We can fully understand what is trying to be said and explain it in a way that is easier for other people to understand. We are the speech writers.

I believe that our downfall (or at least mine) is that we may end up behind the scenes and forgotten, yet our messages will live on for centuries.. "I can't remember who said that, but it was genius."

Sam said...

Dammit.. I wish the comments area had a quick edit, cause I notice a lot of mistakes after I hit "Post Comment"...

red_herring said...

I know, they don't let you edit things at all, it's weird. I guess I'd agree, Sam, about classification being altogether too difficult to accomplish with so few labels, but I think that one or the other really must be negative. I'm just at a loss as to which it might be. knee-jerk, I'd have to say Geek, but then geeking out on something isn't necessarily bad. Hmm... What would you propose we call those who are really just posing as talented and knowledgeable to cover for their social awkwardness and all-around ineptitude? (Think David, the fat mexican dude from Science Club)