We're enjoying Dim Sum, birch!


Japanese Douchebag

This is what Ken does everyday

You guys created a monster...

So I was walking around the house with my glasses off and ken was sitting on the couch. I thought he was studying because he was as quiet as a mouse - full concentration I might add. Then, I sat next to him to see what he was reading. As I look over, I discover that he was not even doing his homework but he was shifting through his new collection of magic cards... You guys created another monster, LOL. It's all good that means you guys can come over more often to play some cards.

Literally laughed out loud!

The reason I like T-Rex so much...

is because he's always yelling! At the end of every sentence is a "!"! It's great, I say!

Something about not being allowed to sit down...

Gizmodo - Canon Employees Are Forbidden to Sit Down, Walk at Normal Pace - Canon

You know, I would feel worse about this if I didn't have to stand at my current job. Sometimes I'd be standing on my breaks too.. furthermore, I'm often walking briskly because, honestly, it does waste time.. I understand what they are getting at, but I also understand the other side of it.

Tomorrow is the day.. I think...

Well the day finally came. I bought Tiffany her own computer for her birthday. It's one of those fangled Sony Vaio's with a Core 2 and some 3GB of ram and some type of SATA hard dealy.. But what now? Well, I'm glad you asked. Now I get started with the greuling task of creating an image of my current windows install. Why not just copy over what I need and leave the rest alone? I'll tell you why: I want to preserve this image. This has been a good image, and if shit hits the fan, I want to be able to come back to it at the drop of a hat. Eventually, I'm going to place this image on another hard drive, or possibly this current one. That didn't make sense, so let me lay it all out for you:

I currently have three drives: 160GB, 300GB, and 1TB, or 1000GB (sounds much larger :p).
160GB: Currently houses my operating system and all of my worldly programs.
300GB: Holds all of my music, random internet downloads, and pending/yet-to-be-sorted torrents.
1000GB: All of my movies, shows, and large applications.

What's clear is that I am going to be making an image of the 160GB and storing that away. I am ashamed to admit that I am going to be putting the image on DVD's (waits for Ben to make a comment...) I have a very good reason for that: I have no space on any of my drives. If I had (and could) dedicate a 1TB or 2TB strictly for backing up, I wouldn't even think about using optical media, but alas, I do not. So for that reason I am succumbing to optical media.

So after I make the image, I am going to format the drive and install both linux and a clean install of windows. Then after I gather up the resources to purchase a new fangled 1TB, I am going to move everything up one, the 160GB will remain my linux install, and the 300GB will be my new vista and every-game-possible install. The now 1TB will be used for accessory storage of movies and shows. I can't wait until I get a free day, me and Jake are going to tear it up Ubuntu style!


This looks promising...

Gizmodo - Pixel Qi's Magical Hybrid E-Paper LCD Coming This Fall - Pixel qi qi3

Very promising indeed...

Cupcake: Day 2

I found out today that you can have the screen orient according to how you are holding it. Also that my icons came back on my desktop; I just had to restart the phone.


Sense of Smell

I think that the smell center of my brain is growing stronger, or something of that nature. These days, when I see things, I can SMELL them, like they're there. Thankfully it's usually restricted to pleasant things, or those I have strong memories of, but when I think of that night when I threw up in Sam's car, it's as though I can feel the bile rising in my throat, feel the acrid sting in my nostrils. The smell of oil and metal comes to mind especially often. I think it's a sign that I miss having a bike. Yeah, that smell really does hold a lot of good memories for me.

Look at These Fucking Hipsters

Craftzine.com blog : Swap-O-Rama-Rama Remake Fashion Show at Maker Faire


Video test from cupcake


Android apps coming to Ubuntu - Boing Boing

Android apps coming to Ubuntu - Boing Boing

What what in the butt? What really gets me excited about this if it goes the other way around! Frankly, I can't imagine it being that difficult to whip up a custom package for Android once basic compatibility is established. Just imagine, Keepass on your G1, Fennec given instant and easy compatibility with Android in time for its first release, custom codecs to play more varied video formats. Mplayer and Songbird, for God's sake! Not to mention simple and easy Japanese input through the standard IME. Beyond that, Wine! Windows apps on your mobile phone, customized for awesomeness on a tiny screen! PICASA MOBILE! HOLY SHIT THE ORGANIZATION!! Evernote, too! Egad!


I downloaded and installed cupcake!!

Just get the one that says google download at here

rename it to update.zip and put it on the root of the sd card.

then turn off your phone, and turn it on by holding home + end

then when it turns on you'll get a weird picture, hit alt + s, and then update!!

It's just that simple!

I just did it, so stay tuned for updates of horrific things.

Boys night in the land of magic and sorcery

As I sit in the loo recalling how fun my weekend was. I can't help but laugh at you guys, not in a bad way of course. Most men have poker night and game night watching sports, but you guys break the mold... you guys have boys night that includes twenty sided dices and Magical cards. I can imagine you guys ten years from now sitting in the "game room" with cigars and beer sitting around a poker table... minus the traditional ace and suits card deck. I love it because good friends are hard to find!

Tia Carrere

This is the chick that the chick in Terminator: Salvation reminded me of.
She was in the Wayne's World movies and starred in the show "Relic Hunter."

Elephant Bottle Opener | Boing Boing Gadgets

Elephant Bottle Opener | Boing Boing Gadgets

If that's not just the most adorable thing...

Whats the plan this weekend? And Tuesday?

Transoforming mouse

Right here!

This can't be right...

PC Connection - 42" 42PM4M HD-Capable Plasma Display

$500 for a 42" 1080P monitor? Yeah, that's gotta be a misprint...

Everybody Else Is Doing It....

It's a tie!

You are part Jasmine. You are loyal and would visit the ends of the earth for what you believe. You would never let obstacles stand in the way of true love.

You are part Pocahontas. You defy convention and sometimes do what is considered taboo. Unfortunately, others do not always appreciate your differences, so its good that you are so strong-willed. You are loyal and you believe in fate. Your true love will find you one day.

Explaining Youtube in the Middle Ages

So I was daydreaming just now, and thought about how I would explain computers, the internet, and all that to someone from the middle ages, and not to sound patronizing to someone who may be smarter than you are, in spite of the time difference. I kind of got caught up with it, and here's what I came up with:

In the future, we discover a property known as electricity, a sort of miniature lightning, a spark which persists in metal and can be transmitted through drawn wire. Using these sparks, and their absence, we can create a system to codify information, like a grid of candles which, when snuffed in the right order, can spell out a word or make a simple picture. This binary code, named for the two simple states which can be occupied at any one time, has been standardised over the years, resulting in a complex mathematical method for encoding and transmitting any sort of information, using organizational tables and pre-approved registers to translate the pulses of sparks into whatever they might represent. Using a device called a transistor, we can create systems to approximate logical actions and decision-making in order both to store these tables in vast quantities and reference them very quickly. We call these machines computers.

The internet is simply a system of many such computers which use copper wire to send pulses to one another, enabling information to pass from one area to another quickly and efficiently, without any message being physically transported. By transmitting many images with small differences and displaying them one after the other, we can trick the eye into seeing fluid motion on what appears to be a moving picture. This process is freely and easily available to anyone and, like any trade, transmitting moving pictures attracts many competitors. The best-known and most widely used is called YouTube.

And we use it to watch cats jacking off.


YouTube - Cencoroll 2nd Trailer 2009

YouTube - Cencoroll 2nd Trailer 2009

This looks so cool. Holy cow, it looks like FLCL done right. Bad. Ass.

This is for Jake

You've been there!

I Want a Bomb Shelter

Hear me out here: I'm not one of those weirdos who think that the world's gonna end any day, or even one of those weirdos who think that nuclear proliferation is bad (we can talk about that later). I just think that it would be a cool place to hang out, like a really deep basement/rec room with integrated cooking and bathroom facilities. Maybe I really just want a full-sized basement with a kitchen and bathroom attached...

I want a Beastly man with a lot of body hair *wink*

Which Disney Princess Are You?

You are Belle. You are strong, deep, and you are not a slave to petty superficial things. You are independent and allow yourself to see inner beauty without sacrificing your values. You are almost too good of a person.



An engineer's guide to cats!!

I can't believe we (at least I) didn't know about this!

An Engineer's Guide to Cats

Look at this fucking hipster!

Just wow...

Fucking shipping.

I love buying things off the interwebz. It's much cheaper than real life, I don't have to go anywhere, and best of all? I don't have to talk to a single person. The only drawback is shipping. To start off, there seems to be a base price of about $5, which is fine for most things, but when the thing you are trying to buy is a few dollars, it makes it seem like an exuberant amount. The other problem is, if the item you are trying to buy is too small to send UPS, it takes much longer to get. The pros do outweigh the cons, but I'm not sure enough. I guess there are some things that just make more sense to go out and purchase, as opposed to buy from home.

Since HTML isn't allowed in comments

Which Disney Princess Are You?

You are Pocahontas. You defy convention and sometimes do what is considered taboo. Unfortunately, others do not always appreciate your differences, so it's good that you are so strong-willed. You are loyal and you believe in fate. Your true love will find you one day.

Find Your Character @ BrainFall.com

God Damn it, I'm Pocahontas!

BrainFall.com - Result - Which Disney Princess Are You?

Modern Pied Piper Cheats Death - CBS News

Modern Pied Piper Cheats Death - CBS News

Wait, didn't the Pied Piper KIDNAP the children?

AAWWWWW!!!! ^_^

The Subway Dogs of Moscow - Neatorama

That's right, this is so cute it made me use a Japanese emoticon. And I HATE Japanese emoticons.


I'm at dennys, and there out of milk, letuce, waffles, milkshakes, how can they consduct business

Chesus ChrisP.

Someone shoot me please... I don't know why people even consider putting this on the news... why even give this a two second fame on national tv that it doesn't deserve.

Chesus or upside down penis?

Chesus or Fail? (today's news)

Look Guyz, I'm on the interwebs posting about something that just happened!

Yup. Earthquake. I tried to send a text message literally right after it happened, but the cell network was too jammed.

Afghanistan's only pig in quarantine - Boing Boing

Afghanistan's only pig in quarantine - Boing Boing

One pig?! How can you have ONE pig?! Man, China gives really crappy gifts.

Who can write?

I've been thinking a lot about writing a book, and I have a few good ideas, but I think it would be better to get a graduate degree, before I try to publish, for credibility purposes. Does anybody know anything about the process of getting a book published? Also how many "pages" on MS word would be equivalent to a 250-300 page book? What do you guys think? As Sheldon put it, "Pleased to meet you Dr. Gablehoueser, how fortunate for you that the university has chosen to hire you despite the fact that you have done no original research in 25 years, and instead have written a series of popular books that have reduced the great concepts of science to a series of anecdotes each one dumbed down to accommodate the duration of the average bowel movement. Ma-halo"

Yes, Yes, Yes!!!

Hitachi aiming for 5TB hdd by 2010

Canada isn't allowed to have N interwebz


Yoda + Bruce Lee

I think this is what their kid will look like.

Move over Rosetta Stone

I was looking for material to present in class regarding Phonology and language acquisition. I thought this was the best way to learn English/Japanese, hee hee hee.

Fuck yes!

Thank you Gizmodo!


So I went out to White's Point earlier today, and there were like ten dolphins right off the shore! Isn't that awesome? It's pretty cool how many of them there are around here. One time I actually touched one while swimming off Torrance Beach.

Ken wants to make out with Jean-Luc Picard

Ben... Ken wants to borrow and watch Star Trek the next generation. He also wants me to watch it with him.


Yeah, internet is back, and crippling emo shit depression is mostly gone, so here I be! Expect a rash of comments as I catch up on the 100+ blog posts I have yet to read. New place, new attitude, new Jake! Everything's coming up Milhouse!


So walking to my dorm, this guy asks me for directions to the bookstore. I yell him I'm going that way and we starrt to chat. He's visiting from ucsb, ok weird. We continue to chat turns out he's from palos verdes! Isn't that strange?

Moose With Loose Poops


I got a 104% on my astro midterm!

The beginning of the end..

UMD-less PSP game. Thanks to steam, and now sony (if this goes well) we can be rid of optical media! Huzzah!



You guys probably know about this site already but some of the stuff in here just crack me up so bad.

I don't know what happened...

But I want this.

Lucas is a space pimp

Haa haa, I found it funny that in the original Starwars movie Carrie Fisher was forced not to wear undergarments in the film because George said, "They do not wear underwear in space."