Here's an Idea..

Failure Friday: Red Herring, Magnolia, and Pageflakes go dark | Webware - CNET

We could buy the name and move our blog there lol.

Just for you Ben =)

J-Babe vs. K-Babe of the Week - Fight! : Akihabara News .com

Japanese cute chick vs. Korean cute chick ;D

Sony, SanDisk working on 2TB Memory Sticks | Crave - CNET

Sony, SanDisk working on 2TB Memory Sticks | Crave - CNET


What real life bad habits has programming given you? - Stack Overflow

What real life bad habits has programming given you? - Stack Overflow: "One thing I've noticed lately is that many engineers in different fields (EE, ME) don't try to simplify and automate things as much as software people do. I'm not sure why that is, or even if it's true in general. After all, the sample size I'm basing this on isn't very big (a couple dozen engineers I've worked with).

It may be cliche, but it seems that people who get good at writing software are motivated by laziness. If everyone was as constructively lazy as a good programmer is, the whole world would be more efficient."

What real life bad habits has programming given you? - Stack Overflow

What real life bad habits has programming given you? - Stack Overflow: "Always being on the lookout for bugs in programs, or things that just don't look right, I find bugs in everything, especially TV shows. My wife LOVES it when I rewind a show ten or fifteen seconds to point out something that's not right. She would give me so much crap about it that I escalated and started keeping a laser pointer next to my chair so I could pause the show and 'circle' the offending item with the laser.

Funny, the laser disappeared one day while I was at work... curious."


What real life bad habits has programming given you? - Stack Overflow

What real life bad habits has programming given you? - Stack Overflow

Don't let the title fool you, some of them appeal to the general computer-user (Ben) >.>

Funny exam answers

Funny exam answers

6 am idea

It strikes me that there is a universe out there, somewhere in reality, where everything is the same as this one, except that there's a group of people who always refer to the main characters of "Wayne's World" as Wumbley and Grant, even having seen the movie several times. Nobody notices, and everyone continues as normal when someone talks about that scene in "Wumbley's World" where Grant and Wumbley have a falling out.

Yeah, it's stupid, shut up. I know that's not quite how it works, in stupid theoretical physics land. GUH theoretical physics is so stupid. Dumb math bullcrap. Don't tell me they don't pull that out of their asses, 'cause seriously.

Foxit Reader

It's another good program you guys should try out, especially if you've ever gotten tired of Adobe's crap. It load's quickly, works flawlessly, and almost makes up for the inherent flaws in the PDF format with lots of tools to edit and view a document pretty much however you like. Plus it's got a clean interface, which is always a plus when viewing any kind of media files, as much as Vista and other modern shiny-mongers might have you think otherwise.

Another Reason Why I Hate Quentin Tarantino Movies

I think I've elaborated to most everyone involved with this blog as to why I dislike the vast majority of Quentin Tarantino movies, but I'll review, just in case. The main reason is that he thinks it's cool when people are too cool to realize that their situation is cool, even as the cool stuff is happening. Like Reservoir Dogs or Kill Bill 1 (I actually liked 2 quite a bit) or Pulp Fiction (Which I really never understood the appeal of), where the main characters are these super badasses that are completely calm and collected when shit starts to go down, and much ado seems to be made of little things like demeanor and poise in a situation when nobody is watching. It's like they're always posing for the camera, very aware of the audience. Breaking the fourth wall without the director being self-aware enough to relize he's doing it, or having enough humor to joke about it in any but the most macho, "Yeah I'm doing X but I could still kick your ass" way.

This unrealism leads me to the new reason I hate Quentin Tarantino movies, which is that NOBODY TALKS LIKE A HUMAN BEING. Seriously. I was watching Grindhouse earlier, for the first time, and there's a scene where these women are in a car planning their day. They talk like every syllable they enunciate is specifically tailored to be as cool as is humanly possible. Like they choreographed the conversation beforehand. When you think about it, of COURSE they choreographed it, it was written months earlier and they'd probably gone over it dozens of times! It's just so nonsensical that the usual goal of making dialogue believable is completely tossed out the window so the director can get his jollies. And you know that Tarantino is aware of this, thinks it's the coolest thing ever, is also aware that some people like it, AND THINKS THAT HE'S COOL FOR TURNING A CONVENTION ON ITS HEAD! eGAD but that man drives me insane!

The thing is, he would probably be fun to have as a friend. He's just a normal dude who had no ear for dialogue, like most of us. The difference is that this is his GOAL, his STYLE! Most people don't become directors because they would make dialogue sound like Quentin Tarantino, were they to direct a film. I guess there's something to be said for being that self-confident.

Just one more thing: The reason I think I liked Kill Bill 2 is that people FREAKED OUT when stuff happened! When that one woman killed that dude, he was all like SHIT SHIT SHIT! Then she got her eye poked out, and she was like "I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU!" But were it a normal Tarantino movie, the man would, upon being bitten by the snake, turn to his antagonist and say something to the effect of "...You fucking cunt..." before dropping dead. And the woman would immediately regain her composure and be all cool as a cucumber after LOSING HER EYE. Granted, the last confrontation was kind of lame in that way, but I felt he got away from his signature style for a good portion of the movie, which was commendable.

Sentry Paintball Gun

I think I found our project:

Sentry Paintball Gun

thinbdrive thing yay

Build the Ultimate USB Thumb Drive Toolbox - Page 1 | Maximum PC

Dr. Morris is a Mac

I need to take copies of the syllabus to my physics counselor. To get credit for the introduction to thermodynamics class. So I email Dr. Morris, and he very promptly sent my copies of all the syllibi, as well as copies of the lab syllibi. I open the email attachments, and much to my chagrin they were in a .cwk format. Which is like a secret Appleworks (Old Apple Suite) format. You can't even get a windows viewer (belive me I tried). I think to myself, "Well I have 2 Macs, I'll just open it on one of them." Neither of them can open the files. Uh-oh, Dr. Morris said he would send me hard copies if I need them, which is very nice of him. But I'm upset at the format, and need to open these files. I research for a few hours, even polling apple users in my house. Eventually I read on the appleworks wiki that appleworks kindof turnes into the iWork suite. So I download the free trial of iWork'09 and sure enough pages can open this kind of doc. I then "register" iWork so this wont happen again. Its now 2am, and I triumphantally print the syllibi. I then noticed that I had iLife '08. Bah I say, I scoff at anything thats 3 weeks old software wise. So I look for a "trial" of iLife 09 like iWork, and cant find one. However I did find out that I am elligible to upgrade to iLife'09 for $10 since they started bundleing it with macs a few weeks after I bought mine. I paid the 10 bucks, and am waiting for my software in the mail. epic win.

btw pages (word) and numbers(excel) in iWork are really good. I'm thinking of changing from MS office to iWork.

Web Storasge

is there some sort of free web storage a la yahoo briefcases that i can use?


Centurions just finished, Yeeah! Look forward to some hard-rockin' '80s cartoon action when you get back from school, Ender!

Chat with during programming

Dude this was in my arechive....classic

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Sam Ganim" <>
Date: Feb 6, 2008 8:02 PM
Subject: Chat with Sam Ganim
To: <>

7:50 PM Sam: lol
 me: i was really bummed out when she wasent in physics
 Sam: lol, is she hot? ive only known her sister
7:51 PM me: i think shes cute way better looking than her sis'
 Sam: good, cause we used to call her "ugly-bitch"
7:52 PM me: i know we called her that in like 3rd grade
 Sam: lol
7:53 PM me: so is he gonna give us a complier, or do we need to get one on our own?
7:54 PM Sam: well he didnt give us one for java, so he tried to point us to one on the net (yeah right, it was a text editor) but then in the last 3 weeks i found out that there was one on the computer
  but seeing that he is using microsoft visual studio, we may have it
7:55 PM me: so can we get that for home, is it free
 Sam: is anything from microsoft free? but we don't need it, we can get something better
7:56 PM me: ok and its all the same, like are we gonna be able to program here if we learn on something elese
 Sam: of course, the language is the same everywhere and they all compile the same, its just easier to use one that is a gui rather than one that is a text
7:57 PM next week, we are getting sparks
7:58 PM makes the class MUCH better
 me: ctrl shift n
 Sam: sparks
 me: gunnis
7:59 PM Sam: guinness smells
  sparks doesnt
 me: sparks tastes like ass
  i hate engery drinks
  balieys and coffee
8:00 PM Sam: agreed
  or a tropical aura with cap morgan
 me: agreeed
 Sam: next week we are getting FUCKED in class then
8:01 PM me: i dont want to get bellergient
 Sam: awww.. come on.... it could be fun
8:02 PM me: i can so save it to something that is not c:\
 Sam: his flash drive wouldnt work on our computers O.o
 me: so were making a game about guessing numbers
8:03 PM Sam: yep, like talking to a 4 year old
 me: you dont give 4 yearolds enough credit
 Sam: i still dont know how old kids are supposed to be when they walk and talk
8:04 PM me: i think like 2
  brendan just had his son, robyn asked how it is he said "big, he gained 9 oz in 3 days"
 Sam: i gain 9oz in 2 hours lol
8:05 PM 9-shots
 me: lollerskates
 Sam: lolcat
  you can has it


Sam I finally figured out that video card power problem there is pci-e power molex. and a spot on the back of the card for it. Found it problems solved after more than one year.


Sam I cant find the web page to down load cat mouse could you please link me?


It's a firefox extension that allows you, with a single click, to TinyURL your current position, search within a website, and go UP a directory level in a website! I especially like the TinyURL feature, as it automatically copies it to your clipboard, ready for pasting, in a single click. One problem is that I don't think there are any keyboard shortcuts involved, which is sort of a bummer. Nonetheless, a very, very convenient add-on.

New Day

It is the dawn of a new era today. That's right I switched to Vista. My PC can run it just fine, and its pretty. I got tired of using my Mac at my desk just because it was prettier. Also my new keyboard came in I changed from an MS Bluetooth Elite Pro, to an MS Basic Keyboard 1.0A I kid you not.

Double Dose


We should get a communal seedbox so that people who are under downloading constraints, such as those at school, can get in on the hot torrenting action! I've been reading up on the process, but I was wondering, how much would people be willing to spend on a monthly basis for a torrent proxy?

PSP is an awesome device...

We all know (if not already knew, but know now) that the PSP is awesome. Some of us didn't want to admit it before but after we modded them and relived our favored childhood video games is sharp resolution and amazing closeness, we couldn't pretend any longer. The PSP was a great piece of machine. Honestly, even before modding them the PSP had been given some great ability, be it interfacing with the PS3, or its multitude of WIFI capabilities. Now, some of you may think that I'm beating a dead horse, but trust me, I'm leading to something. What if I told you that the PSP, with it's seemingly limitless capabilities, just became more functunal outside of the gaming/PMP world? Behold.

That's right, the PSP can double as an external display. BAM!

Un. Fair.

So we all know that the Japanese get all the latest tech first and all that, but I just found out that 100mbit fiber optic internet access costs roughly 50 dollars for them.

Fifty dollars


Seriously. What the duck? We have got to get right the hell on closing that gap, 'cause DAMN.

If Olny.....


Why do I olny like average looking asian girls that won't give me the time of day? I truly am a glutton for punishment.


Prove that if Y1 and Y2 are solutions to Y'' + Q(t) Y' + P(t) Y = 0 and those solutions vanish at the same point, then their wronskian would equal to zero. Show that the sets are linearly dependent and span a line.


*shakes fist at Linear*


Alright Sam it finally happened, my bluetooth keyboard went all retarded. My mouse works fine and I can sync the keyboard, but I can't type anything... so after much frustration I broke down and orded a wired one off of newegg. I got a WIRED ms keyboard and laser mouse for $22 with shipping, newegg ftw. On an unrelated topic, god damn you half japanese girls, you do it to me everytime. You guys know what I mean.

Another Mystery of Lost

I was watching Lost earlier, and found it interesting that during both births, they show the happy mother and child and all that, like the birthing process is over after the baby comes out. Yeah, no horrifying sack of jelly and blood and God knows what else in the Lost universe. Personally, I think the aliens/satan/secret society/murderous mad cows are abducting the placentas in order to TAKE OVER THE WORLD! I should write on one of the no doubt myriad lost messageboards about this.



Yes.. this is a wonderful thing to wake up to.


This movie looks simply amazing. In addition to my natural affinity for classic stop-motion animation and the wonderful aesthetic surrounding the world, I love the main character's design. While she's obviously still young, she doesn't seem like a helpless little girl or anything, but rather like an offbeat yet capable teenager. People often complain about the lack of strong female characters in fiction, and I totally agree, but I think that goes for appearance as well as simply gender. Even if a woman is portrayed in a less submissive light, she often looks very classically beautiful, with all the soft, inviting physical characteristics that scream "WEAK" to the animal mind.

Coraline, on the other hand, is skinny in a wiry way, with muted colors surrounding her, be it in her hair, clothing or surroundings. Combined with the mischievous smile, proud high-held head and arms seemingly constantly akimbo, she projects a very confident air indeed, and manages to get away without any of the "man with boobs" look. I get the feeling the artists involved just sort of get it. Now all that's left is to see if the movie is as incredible as it looks in trailers, still shots and concept art. Either way, I know I'm gonna totally geek out when related toys and figurines come out.

Facebook and miscellany

It's amazing! I never thought that so many people would be found by a simple computer program! It's like a weird psychic thing! Connecting with old school friends will be nice, I'm glad I finally signed up for it, despite lingering concerns that I'll get sucked into its world.

Did you know there are like eight HellRaiser movies? I saw the first two, and thought there were three. EIGHT?! How many of those were straight to video, I wonder? I imagine that the vast majority of them are terrible, but I'm kind of getting curious as to just how bad they are.

One more day until Obama is the new president. I can't wait, personally, though I know certain elements of this very blog may not share my enthusiasm. Of course, everyone thinks it would be cool if he were elected on MLK day, the stupid constitution has to get in the way...

Watch out for Summer Glau

Heavy Metal

Karaoke ROCKED last night!
Biggest turnout in YEARS.
And there were some SERIOUSLY METAL chicks belting it out.
From Maiden to Slayer to Danzig, it was a thing of beauty....
And nothing makes cheesy metal better than amateurs with terrible timing, horrible high notes and inappropriate high kicks.
Life is good....

I'm Gay for Democracy

I know that Justice is a lady, as is Liberty, but if Democracy is a man I am limp-wristedly, pink blouse-wearingly, high-voiced exclaimingly gay for him. Like, if I were roommates with Democracy, we would completely have the Bromance going. Also, I'm Gay for Democracy would make a great t-shirt.


I was shocked to learn that I didn't have any of the Star Trek Original Series. I did an isohunt search for them, and I couldnt find them. Can someone send me the link to the .torrent? The entire series .torrent is preferred, but I'll take the first season.. If I have to. Thanks in advance.


went to Lucille's Smokehouse barbecue today with a couple work friends. I thought their stuff was kind of expensive until I saw the portions, which are nothing short of gargantuan. Seriously, I'm not a small man, and can hold my weight when the food is being served, but I stuffed myself silly and STILL had easily a pound of pure meat left on my plate. I don't know how they think any mere mortal could eat that much, because it was like half of a cow.

Speaking of cows, did you guys know that cutting up a cow for the meat is called "fabrication?" Thought that was odd, it brings to mind an image of the cow coming in as a large cube of meat and going to the milling machine to be shaped and eventually painted black and white. Or possibly meat being melted down and poured into a cow mold, with sprues coming out and everything.

Thanks for that

New word..

Turdlet. I'm going to start to rent out the words I create:

Furrls - 1 cent
Disagrizzle - 5 cents
Turdlet - 3 cents

Now you can use them as many times as you want, but try not to use turdlet so much, it starts to leave a bad taste in your mouth after about 25 or so.

Sam Watch This Im Like Matt

Epic Fail

Whos is so poor that they cant buy a $50 box to watch TV


I actually got high for the first time a few nights ago! While that was happening, I managed to record some of the ideas I came up with. Here they are, presented in full for your enjoyment:


Waterfall technique for creating ice cubes in the ice tray. As opposed to the common fill each cube technique, the waterfall allows each to fill in turn, spilling eventually into the sink. The waterfall is the more time and water efficient of the two techniques, and is therefore superior, in spite of possible inequalities between cubes caused by the water's motion. Scholarly paper.

Tw nations warring, using reverse psychology. Each reverses quicker and quicker, and the codes are figured out, until the computerized descendents of the nations' populace are reversing their psychology at nanosecond per reverse levels.

A little man rests on your head while you go side to side like a pendulum, as you may tend to while high. He pulls levers that make you go left and right, and hates his job though he must do it for some reason. Possible financial difficulties?

When you leave two friends alone who are a couple, you have to scream "Hey, you doin' it? " out in an annoying way every once in a while.

I understand why scooby-doo is funny now!

I can feel the juices in my stomach sloshing about in the empty space in my stomach. There is very little free space, like a bottle with just enough space inside to slosh the liquid.

A game with stoners where the stoners get high and the non=smokers would kick ottomans at their feet like pachinko. kick the whole jannisary corps under the stoners' feet! <-- motto/slogan said in commercial for game, simliar to those ubiquitous ones like Mr. Bucket where the kids are playing it as an announcer explains it. The box would depict people on either side of the central channel kicking ottomans at the stoners, only to have the ottomans turn into Ottoman Turks, who hurtle with deadly purpose toward their target: Stoners' Legs.

Deon Sanders, maker of the Deon Sanders Hotdog Express, eats so many of the free hotdogs he gets from that infomercial that he dessicates like the pope, who they leave out rather than burying. The catholics think it's a miracle, and because the hotdog part gets left in the past, he becomes Saint Deon of BiefWean'r. (Beef Wiener), always wielding his Staff of Meaty Goodness on the back of his mighty, morbidly obese mount.

The veins on my hand are standing up a great deal.

"Have fun with your experience" should be the universal polite way of saying goodbye to a person as you leave them while they are in some way inebriated/incapacitated. This idea came from John, because he said it when he left moments ago, leaving me high.

Book idea: High Experiences, the mad ramblings of Jacob Negron while getting high for the first time! Then it says like "turn to page 8 to see shocking revelations" where they see this. Meta as HELL!

I was afraid just now to correct a mistake in the past paragraph, worried I would lose the memory of the original thought before I was able to complete the correction. Even just now, it took me a minute to remember what I was going to write, having forgotten by the time I got to the end of the sentence. If this isn't clear, sorry.

I can feel memories leaving my mind in a very exact way. It's like they disappear around the corner of my brain. I picture it as I'm dropping a word off a bridge, and it floats initially, but gradually fills with water and sinks, its ripples expanding until they're so small as to be unnoticeable.

I checked the time at midnight exactly. I should have set this up with timestamps, but unfortunately my high mind could think of that, while my sober one did not. My sober mind could do it, but this wasn't really a planned event. I only really thought of documenting my findings after it had started.

I've acted like a terrible fool tonight.

My tongue is a little numb, so it feels weird rubbing on the roof of my mouth. I picture the scene as through my head, which is a glass bottom boat, the glass being the transparent roof of my mouth.. The tongue is this huge marine life, squirming about slapping against the boat's bottom as tourists exclaim.

That feeling of being a little bit behind in your motions that happened when I got drunk and deocumented? It's even more severe during highdom. I realize I shouldn't have used the second person there, but whatever.

Whenever someone talks about having had a bad experience with drugs or something, or that their experience is different from theirs, I picture the experience as being TERRIBLE, with little black fuzzy monsters streching from the background to bite at ankles or whatever. Scooby-doo style terrible animation, I can see it in my mind now.

I need to plug my hard drives in.
I hope I didn't make too much noise doing that just now.

I spoke about the pendulum thing. I can feel that coming along right now. I picture it as a blue hologram projected off of either shoulder, the interior being striped, bold edges determining where that ends and the "stop" area, shaded with a krenellated or lacy pattern, begin. "Being" and "begin," I think that's an anagram, isn't it? Yup.

On Youtube there was scooby doo videos labelled as "The Scooby Doo." Like "The Green Lantern!"

A while ago I was dismayed to find it was difficult to get up, like four times as much as usual. I would swing out with vigor, but it petered out way before the floor. I realize you could measure how much extra percieved extra energy it took by measuring the angle and cauculating from that.


Imagine a hot girl in spandex pants, now imagine a hot girl in a short skirt. What if it was a spandex skirt. We have to invent that

No no, no no no, no no, no no no, no, no no no, no no.

This could be what we have to deal with if we want more battery life.. um.. I'll buy a second battery before I connect this monstrosity to my G1. Via Engadget


Its funny how Conner can be a black person's last name, but O'Conner is immediately white. Same thing with Donald and O'Donald.

The purpose of this blog

We should use this, in addition to documenting our daily observations and minutiae, to post projects we'd like to do when we have the time, and confer with each other in that regard.

By the way, Bush's final address is on right now. Lol, I wonder why he needs to bother people with his idiocy?

Periodic Spam Advancement

It seems like every few months the spammers come up with a new way to defeat the Gmail filter, and I get like fifty spam messages, as opposed to the usual none. I find it interesting that they all update their techniques at the same time, though. You'd think they'd start filtering in gradually, then Gmail would adapt before it got out of hand.


Jake you probablly don't need me to comment on this but I have to get it off my chest everyone is constantally saying hella and its driving me crazy. He hella did that. That class was hella hard. I'm hella hungry. It grates on the eardrums. Your from nor cal why don't you say it? I just saw a bag I hella heart oakland. Hecka is almost as bad.

Url Change

I changed the email to, for me i dont know if it would have messed yours up.

Baaaaaaad move, Palm...

Ok, me and Jake had briefly talked about the new Pre that Palm is coming out with. My grievances are the smashed together keyboard; Jake's is the sliding up to unveil the keyboard. Well I found something else. Sprint. This brings me to another point. Each of the four main cell phone providers have gotten exclusives: Cingular - iPhone, T-Mobile - G1, Verizon - Storm, and now Sprint - Pre. Does anyone know why they are doing this?

Ahhh... my essence..


About to start another exciting day of calc.....oh god someone kill me

EEG Toy Part Deux

EEG toy.. Part One

New Layout

As you all can tell I was a jerk and redid the layout, (I got tired of all the pink), any objections? If so fix it yourself were all moderators lol. With that said I thought that this theme was more tasteful, I hope its to everyone's liking.

Apartment Hunting II

Did not suck so much today. I went to like three places today, and the last one was awesome. Though it was a little more than I'd wanted to pay at $650, it's a room in a house, and includes utilities, access to the washer and dryer, fast cable internet, all that good stuff. The lady that owns the house is incredibly nice, and works at Aerospace Corporation! Can you believe that? I asked if she knew you, Ben, but she'd only been working there for a little while. I didn't remember your dad's name, so I couldn't ask about him. At any rate though, she's by far the top contender, so I'm just going to be looking into a couple more that are a bit cheaper, but I figure that's pretty good for what it is.

One of the other places, though, was a little glimpse of hell. It was this Asian family in a three bedroom apartment, of which I would have the smallest room, barely more than a closet, all for $500 not including utilities. The place smelled like some kind of fish, there was only one shower in the place, and to top it all off, they HAD A FREAKING BABY! So I was like "yeah... I'll talk to you later..."

Just goes to show, there's a pretty wide spectrum of places even within a small area.

Video Blog #3

Broken trakcball

So the trackball on my g1 won't scroll left my g1 is like derick zoolander


This one's for you "Jake"


Just think what's next...

The Force...

So I googled "Crazy Nachos" and this was on Pg 5 of the images


I'm going to give you guys ample time to change your bookmarks to

Pocket PCs...



It finally happened I have wired internet. All I needed was a switch. Which i burrowed from the student housing office. Success!!!!!!!!!!!!

Its official...

Nachos bell grande and a med soda (no ice) is exactly the right ammount of food.

Straight from the...

toilet. That's right, I'm in the process of laying a chocolate monkey in my porceline throne. That's all.

Apartment Hunting

It's a pain in the ass, seriously. Things are a bit more expensive than I would have thought, and of the two places I've visited so far the owner of one was a bit of a weirdo. Seeing as I would have been living with him as a room mate, I didn't really like that prospect. I hope I can get a place soon though, or I'm gonna have to break into ben's apartment and squat in his room. How many years was is until it officially becomes my property?

Hot Latina In the orange dress

I deserve the cheesecake

Does waking up early make you pregnant?

Like, I could really go for some french fries and cheesecake right now. Don't have to be up for another hour or so, but I had this terrible dream. Pavlina was in my house, saying I was a terrible student to all my friends and relatives. I tried to run away by climbing the wispy branches of a nearby weeping willow, but was literally dragged off, to an uncertain fate. Not a pleasant thing, nightmares, as silly as they might seem after waking.






Epic Sign


Corn doesn't digest. I think you can figure out how I came to that conclusion.


Anyone noticed that our url still says kittypr0n? Suggestions?

Hotel Satan?

So I'm staying in San Diego for a couple days on a work deal, in a pretty nice hotel. It's actually quite cool, their beds are really good, their bathrooms have beautiful sliding doors, and you get both free wifi and an HDTV with copious open inputs in your room. Plus, the dude at the desk specifically said that they don't stop you from doing BitTorrent on their wifi. He probably just recognized a kindred spirit based on my questioning, but I still thought it was awfully classy.

One thing: There is a 13th floor, but no 3rd. What the heck is up with that? Could it be that this room is paid for not by my work but WITH MY SOUL?!?!

Fake Brands Mall


This is just about the best thing ever.

Webcam Test 2

The Rape Prevention Dragon

This dragon will protect you from rape

Omg exxplode

So a customer just said:

"I have a computer that had windows 95 on it and now it has xp, and my word doesn't work, do I need to get vista?"

Head. Exploding. Death. EPIC FAIL!


G1 Fixed!

And yes, I had to make a video blog to convey all my thoughts. Although my webcam isn't fast enough for my liking, I may just revert to audio blogs in the future.

Ok, this is much better tha twitter

I tried a while back to use Twitter, but the 140 characters kind of had me bummed out.

Sex Debt

I ran across an ad earlier while searching for an apartment, basically offering a place to stay in return for sex (A man, unfortunately, so not quite up my alley...). That got me thinking, what happens when you get behind on the rent? Like, do you accrue a sex debt that grows gradually larger, and must be paid off in installments? Can you have a sex mortgage? I imagine the landlord bursting through the door yelling "RENT'S DUE!" or maybe putting a whole new spin on the age-old conversation between a pestering landlord and a renter in default.

Then, what happens when you go to debter's prison? Like, I imagine you'd want to get there, as you'd potentially be raped less.


Brought to you by popular demand

New Member

Attention everyone, we have a new member in our Midst. Everyone welcome, red_herring! I'm sure having a fish contribute will bring some much needed randomness.


There are 2 places to buy nachos within 50ft of my dorm epic win

New name

I've received several (ok two, Ben and Jake) complaints about the name of the blog. Let the naming of the blog begin.

New Room

I just got settled into my new room, everything unpacked. No wired internet, epic fail.

Insomnia = Genius

So my mother woke me up at 7am this morning to tell my brother goodbye. (Oh yeah, so my brother and his fiancee missed their flight yesterday cause they procrastinated, so they had to leave this morning) Well apparently that took too long and my body thought that I was up for good. So I tried to do what I normally do when I can't sleep... poop. So I did, and a thought occurred; video streaming on my PSP. So I went down to business for lack of a better phrase and did some Google searches. I stumbled upon something called "PimpStreamer" or "PimpStreaming" or something along those lines. The only reason I tried it is because the link came from a reputable source. So using VNC, yes thats right, I couldn't wait to finish before I got it set up, I downloaded and installed it. It installs some stuff on the PSP at the same time, so much to my chagrin, I had to wait until I was done. So I connected the ol' PSP and waited a second until it installed. I ran the program on my computer and listed my shares, and then ran it on the PSP. It was flawless.. well almost flawless.. the video was delayed and I couldn't pause or anything. Well the website wasn't very helpful about the controls (I should say they didn't work), but I found out that you could speed up the frame rate of the videos, which made them sync close to if not perfect. I watched an episode of "How I Met Your Mother" on my PSP (Which both Ben and Jake know has increased in value immensely since a few weeks ago) and gradually fell asleep.

Next step, Tunneling using XLink.

XBOX 360

I know I said no quoting other blogs, but this car mod for the 360 is awesome.

Damn retail

So calling in 2 hrs before your shift because your sick is an enexcused absence. Lick my left nut.

Drive to Santa Cruz Part 1

This is the crazy fog we hit at fort tejon on the grapevine.


So this runner crossed the street in the middle of two cars turning right, and one of the cars honked at the runner, so she flipped the driver off. Epic win.


It's a trifle!

The after-aftermath

Yes, it fit in a box!


The aftermath of the big fucking salad.

Big salad

That is a big fucking salad!

5 crowns

Ara and Ken

Ps kens a douche

Kens a jerk


New blog


You're not the only jerk, Ben...

New blog
