
I'm at dennys, and there out of milk, letuce, waffles, milkshakes, how can they consduct business

4 Remarks:

Sam said...

Yep, that's earthquake relevent. ;D

More related to your post, those sound like diner staples. Tell them to close for the day.

red_herring said...

Well, it is a Sunday. Maybe they had an extra-busy day and all. After all, it IS pretty late.

Sukisukimama said...

Wow it's like going to In and Out and they tell you they are out of bread so you can only order fries and Meat wraps.

Ender2010 said...

Sorry I did not experience an earthquake today. I was safe and sound in Nor Cal where nothing bad ever happens Wiinkk!!! I hope you guys are all ok.