So I've been looking about for various options on seedboxes, and think I've found the best one for the price: Seedbox Hosting — BitTorrent on Steroids
The main advantage is that there's unlimited bandwidth on a 100Mbit server, with unlimited torrents, as well. I'd say that the 50GB is enough, so long as we get the stuff off quickly, and $50 a month seems reasonable. What do you guys say to about $10 a month for sharing between five people? That's Ara and Ken, Ben, Sam, me and one extra. I don't really need it, since my residential connection is good, but you guys who are at school will no doubt find it beneficial. What do you guys think?
Xbox Yeah!!!
So, I just placed the order for my xbox. Total under 320, this with the VGA cable, warranty for two years, and all the splitters I need to get it working 100%. So yeah, I'm happy with my purchase, other than the usual buyer's remorse (a tiny amount).
Fat Girl Stomach Belt
Nothing against fat girls, but why do people think that wearing a belt around their stomach makes them look thinner? All it accomplishes is accentuating both ass and belly and make it painfully obvious that they're trying to conceal their weight. This person isn't that fat, even, and it just looks terrible! Your thoughts?
Really getting into bookmarklets here. I found a page with some awesome ones, here:
Guide to Most Useful Bookmarklets for Chrome, Firefox, Safari, etc.
Very cool.
I'm watching this documentary about Auschwitz, and there's this one scene, footage from the war itself, where a Polish dude is beating up a Polish Jew, and I must say, the man looks dapper even when being tossed to the ground and whanged on the head with a bit of timber. I can practically hear him being all like "Sir, you overstep your bounds! (whack) This beating is most indecent and completely unwarranted (whack), and I really must take offense!" People had some composure back then, I must say.
Today is the day!
Happy Ben Day!!
Today is the day that we all get to see Ben again! Yay!! Ben, if you get to this before I get to you, call me!
G1 Tethering..
I just downloaded a program called PdaNet. I installed the program and enabled usb debugging on my g1 and it installed itself on the phone. Within minutes I was using my phone's access (albeit Wi-Fi since 3G is absent in my room...) to browse the internet.. A quick speed report showed about 50% of the speed of directly connecting my computer to the router.. But honestly, through usb, through the phone, through wi-fi it was acceptable.. Since they don't make a mac version, I can't try out the 3G speeds, but I'm sure they will me more than acceptable in a place where you need a full computer to access the internets. WIN.
Wired connection to router:
Wi-Fi connection through G1 through USB:
$10 Bills
Whenever I get a $10 bill (And I'm not completely strapped), I put it somewhere other than my wallet, like a minor pocket of my coat, or a back pocket. That way, when I find it, it's like surprise money! I don't get that many $10 bills, so I'm not losing much out of my budget, and it's a nice little treat to reach in there and come out $10 richer. What do you think? Effective saving tip, or crazy weirdness?
Geeks Doing It: Computer Science Majors Get Laid More Than Any Other Kind of Geek
Geeks Doing It: Computer Science Majors Get Laid More Than Any Other Kind of Geek
Fuck yeah! Comp Sci FTW!
Lesbian Office Seduction
I was just searching for the newest episode of "The Office" on Isohunt, and noticed that the highest-seeded is not any episode of the popular TV show, but a porno called "Lesbian Office Seduction." It's got like 2000 seeds at the moment. It's not particularly new, either, clocking in at 25 weeks. What do you think that's all about?
Photography: Teens Capture Amazing Shots 20 Miles from Earth's Surface With a Balloon
Photography: Teens Capture Amazing Shots 20 Miles from Earth's Surface With a Balloon
It seems we were beaten to the punch...
Elephant Bar
I went there tonight with my mom and brother, a belated celebration for getting into SLO. One word: Yum. They give you way, WAY too much food, but for all that it's really delicious. The leftovers will be easily another couple meals. But yeah, the creme brulee was positively incredible, which you wouldn't expect from a chain place.
Help Guys
Alright, heres the deal I have 6 to 8 people and we want to play a 4v4 starcraft game. I have 1 wired dlink 4 port router, and a linksys 4 port router, when we did port 1 to port 1 we could all see the games, but not join unless on the same router as the host. I also tried wan to port 1 and wan to wan. Any suggestions, the internets have not been helpful thus far. can i use a big 8+ port switch or do i need a router. Sam I forgot a lot of networking stuff. Thanks Guys.
Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck!!
I just realized, I still don't have a reliable internet connection to my desktop! Connectivity being the linchpin of the Linux experience that it is, I can't get most of the things I love about Ubuntu to work! So, I have a very large and expensive paperweight on my desk now, one which fails even at being a paperweight, unwieldy as it is. Well actually, I have several expensive paperweights, one of which is designed to calculate quickly, and the others which are designed to display a great many pixels at once.
Oh yeah, catastrophic drive failure, bitchez. What now? Luckily it was just in my system drive, so no irretrievable data was lost, and it gives me a good excuse to maybe get a shiny new Western Digital Raptor, maybe...
Or maybe not. I've got like ten dollars of unbudgeted fun money right now. Being poor is decidedly not fun.
New Laptop..
I know there is a period where you can buy a computer with Vista and they will ship you Windows 7 free of cost.. I remember it happening when XP switched to Vista.. My idea is that I get a computer with Vista, see if I like it, then try 7, see if I like that better, and if not, revert back to Vista.. I'm pretty sure I'm gonna hate Vista from what I've heard. I've also heard that 7 is leaps and bounds better. Any thoughts?
Just did a Rorschach, ate cold baked beans with a tuna sandwich. Didn't have a pot with which to heat them. De-freaking-licious.
Writing is Hard
It really is. I tried it just now, and it's really, really tough! I wish I had the drive to become a great author. I can't even imagine writing a whole book though.
Kate Beaton
She has SUCH funny comics! I think you'll like them, Ken and Ben. Sam, I'm not so sure about. I may have mentioned her in the past, but she has a new website, so yeah. Add her to your RSS feeds, you will not regret it:
Hark, a vagrant
YouTube - ThinkPad X301 / X300 Bay Battery Installation
YouTube - ThinkPad X301 / X300 Bay Battery Installation
I am officially in love. I found the machine that will complete me one day. It's thin. It's light. It's Lenovo tough. The keyboard is usable. It has an optical drive that can be converted to a battery. Holy fuck. Want.
I'm not sure that I want the air anymore.. since os x can be loaded on an intel chip, I'm thinking of buying a really tough lenovo (yes, Jake) instead of a high priced air.. any thoughts?
I find it sad
that the trade names of drugs enter the cultural vernacular so easily. I really think that's representative of some of the problems we have today, that we're so saturated with advertising convincing us that A. we're unhealthy and B. we need drugs to be healthy. Just the idea that abstract, nebulous concepts such as happiness and health are based on THINGS makes my skin crawl.
Without annual inoculations of X, Y and Z, be it drugs, media or expensive technology, not only can we never be happy, we're starting off a vicious cycle resulting ultimately from our inability to buy. In being unable to afford shiny baubles, not only do we lament their lack, we're contributing to our fellow man's unhappiness. It's total crap.
I just watched like five movie trailers...
And Christian Bale was in every single one. What the hell is this man snorting that makes him able to act in fifty different movies at once, and what are the directors snorting that make them think he's not gonna stroke out in a matter of months?
Ken, for some reason I wasn't able to leave a comment on your post. It just won't let me. Does that mean that Ben wouldn't have had to take multivar. calculus if he'd gone in the fall? Lame.
Ben =d
So I filed a petition to have our calculus 267 class count at UC for both Calculus 2D and 2E.
and woot, it passed =d glad I don't have to go back and do all that greens / stokes / divergence shit =D yayayay.
And Jake! Congrats on SLO =d I couldn't post a reply for some reason so I'll just congrats you here =).
Weird Hamburger Craving
For the past couple weeks, I've been having these weird hamburger cravings. Well, it's more like a constant craving for hamburgers than repeated separate incidents. I would have hamburgers for every meal if the thought didn't repulse me a great deal. Am I a hamburger addict? Is that what it is? Is there a Hamburgaholics Anonymous? Seriously, this is a little disturbing.
A Desk and a Letter
I just set up my desk. Wish I had a camera to record this auspicious event, but unfortunately there's no money in the bank for that after rent, food, tuition, savings, etc. One other thing I wish I had a camera for...
That's right biatches! Yeeeeeeah! Woohoo! Wewt! Doot doot doodlie doo! Ben, I'll be seeing you much more often, as the drive is cut to a very acceptable three hours. Everything's coming up Jake! So yeah, this has been an incredibly great week for me, in spite of being so sleep-deprived that I fell asleep in Diffy this Monday. Got into college, got my desk and computer setup back, oh, and on the weekend I spoke briefly to my dad, who was actually being pretty cool. When our house up north sells, I'll be doing just swimmingly! My room looks a little like a server room right now, but removal of this puffy chair will help with that.
Here's to contentment, ladies and gentlemen. Be happy with what you have, because it might not always be there.
I never truly knew what fatigue was before this morning. Seriously, I feel like I've been hit over the head with a sack of bricks then hung upside-down underwater for an hour.
Daylight Savings
Goddamn farmers, I was up untill 6 last night, wait on it iwas really 7, or was it 5, I don't know. F'ing farmers, I hate them soo much. Why can't they just get up at dawn regaurdless of the clock time?
General Petraeus
has the awesomest name since Optimus Prime. I was surprised to find out he was such a funny-looking little dude.
Dinner Thursday Night
You all have an invitation for dinner tommorrow at our place, would be awsome if you could make it.
Give me a call if you need directions ect.
I hate calc, its become all theoretical, uggh I'm still an enginereer at heart, I want to apply, not theory.(For math anyway). Also diify q is full so I'm gonna take stats next quarter, that will be lame. Ohh well.
Think up awesome projects now! NOW!
How To Enter the Epilog Challenge
Holy crap, we need to enter! The blimp would be cool. Like, we could call it "How to Make a mylar dirigible, flout homeland security and terrify cats!" or something. Wouldn't that be badass?! April 19th, that's a good deadline for getting this thing off the ground!
Fullmetal Alchemist
I can't wait for the new FMA series. Always felt that the last bit of the previous show didn't do the concept justice, and considering the manga is ongoing (and remains awesome), this one should have a good deal more material to draw on. Of course, the return of the original voice actors is a plus, as well.
Why don't kids like peas, carrots and broccoli?
I know they don't like vegetables, and I went through that phase too, but I've always loved those three, no matter how veggie-opposed I've been. What's up with that? Especially the peas and carrots. When steamed they're completely and utterly delicious. Strange.
Christina and I were studying Diff Eq literally from 11 am to 2 am yesterday, just to get the past week's homework done. The teacher's a little homework-crazy, perhaps because she teaches Algebra, and isn't used to twenty problems equating to between twenty and thirty pages of trial and error, repeated integration, and sheer frustration. The best part, though, is that after all that work, sitting on our duffs watching a beautiful Sunday go by, this morning's class was cancelled! Can you believe that?! I think we should get money if they don't give us some kind of warning about a class cancellation.
You Know You're in Bizarro World When...
A girl doesn't want to go out with you because you're not into anime ENOUGH. Seriously, not even joking. Ben, it was the anime club girl you thought was cute in spite of her hairy legs (a flaw which I noticed she's since corrected). Like, we've been talking a bit on the phone and such, and she was completely not interested even in going out to a movie! Interesting, don't you think? The reason she gave was that our interests and such are too different, which is true, considering her art major. Perhaps the blank look when I went off about memristors and microcontrollers was a sign...